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I'm slightly confused here. Are we talking about Kamaoa, west of South Point Road? I thought Kamaoa ended at South Point Road. The rest of it is paved and lines two subdivisions.
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Jen, the entire length of Kamaoa Rd used to be the old belt highway, the westward part was swallowed up by Kahuku Ranch at sometime in the distant past, I smell a rat here. Don't listen to Lynette AKA???, she has a telling the truth impediment, just like former councilman Enriques, Old Homestead Rd my eye!!! AWE, how about old belt highway or Kau Belt Road as they used to call it.
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Originally posted by John S. Rabi
Originally posted by StillHope
The kaus are running loose.Again...
On Punaweb! What happened to Kauweb? [
It became Kapuweb.Ooops -wrong- Pukaweb.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
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Google Earth has very clear shots of Kamoa rd. and surrounding area. Well worth checking if you need help get geographically oriented on this issue.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
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Google Earth shows it going all the way through. Where is it supposed to dead end?
Edit: I guess I was looking at the wrong end. We're talking Kona side I figure. I can follow it a good ways toward Kona but do lose it eventually before it makes it back to Mamalahoa.
I can't think of any good reason to privatize it. It 40 or 50 years, or less, the County might be wishing it had that right-of-way.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
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Highways Act of 1892:
If the State can document the existence of a trail prior to 1892, and the feature has not been disposed of pursuant to Chapter 171, the State may claim the trail. This applies even if the trail does not currently exist on the ground physically- in many instances trail sections have been destroyed over time due to various land uses or natural process.
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Never ceases to amaze me how Eric & Teri just can't help themselves when it comes to name-calling, rumors, suppositions and downright slander & libel. Will you please grow up. If you can't make a point without these tools, then don't say anything.
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Originally posted by oink
Google Earth shows it going all the way through. Where is it supposed to dead end?
According to the WHT the Planning Director sent a letter to the Council advising them that it used to be/has been a connector road from Mamalahoa Highway to South Point Road, therefore, it can not be sold.
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addendum to John: It was the previous planning director, Chris Yuen, under the Kim admin. who gave evidence that this road was the connector to the Mamalahoa Hwy. The current planning director, BJ L-Todd, under the Kenoi admin., states that this road has no vistas and should be sold to private parties.
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It's certainly suspicious that on the video, you are in favor of privatization of a public road and gating it for the purpose of keeping your cattle in, and suddenly, almost opportunistically, Teri's lessee's cattle were loose on the road right after the site visit, while everyone was at the public hearing, where there are no eye witnesses other than your family friend. You certainly go to great lengths to prove your point.
I have animals too and when my neighbor's animals got loose, I've notified them, then helped to round them up. This is what neighbors do. We don't take pictures and call the police to report them and get them into trouble.
A while back, on another thread, a poster had already warned of planted loose cattle, planted trash, etc...So Lynnette, tell us when will the trash and junk cars start to appear?
These are all deflectors from the real issue that this road existed prior to the Highway Act of 1892 and cannot be sold.