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Large scale Puna windfarm?
All of the islands have geothermal capability. If geothermal is allowed to develop, Oahu could provide their own.

Geothermal heating/cooling of a home is nothing new, however, it does not produce electricity. It simply provides a constant temperature that helps the electrical unit regulate the temps in the house. They are becoming quite normal in the Midwest. Costs can be as low as $20k for a new home - not a whole lot more than what the traditional HVAC system would cost.
Wasn't the first experimental well and the current PGV facility originally built with the intent of providing power to Oahu via underground cables? Thirty years later...why is it not already done? I guess I am not understanding what's changed so far as feasibility, reliability, and international water regulations are concerned....for such a grand undertaking.

From what I understand the binary system that we must use to harness geothermal energy differs here in HI as compared to other places.

I am not at all comfortable with the stance that people of Lanai should be willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to help Oahu's energy inefficiency.
Kalamaboy said: While the Puna rainforest is being altered for more geothermal power to be captured and sent to Oahu, Oahu will continue to develop its insatiable energy monster...

I would argue that the landowners - residential mostly, are the ones altering the rain forest. Pin to pin land clearing and the planting of non-native plants is doing more harm than the few acres at the geothermal plant. I would certainly rather have expanded geothermal than another coal or gas-fired electrical generating plant.

A commercial developer or land owner must prepare EIS (environmental impact statements) and get multiple government approvals before they cut a single tree, yet the individual landowner just hires a D9 dozer and rips everything up.
While it is true that wind turbines may kill some birds, the areas on the Big Island that have either previously or are now operating wind turbines, have little to no trees in the area and almost no birds in the areas anyway. How many birds fly around near South Point? Those few birds that even exist there, are low-flying, small birds. They aren't eagles soaring up high, where the blades are.

As to noise, I invite anyone to go and stand as close to a wind turbine as you can get and then tell me how loud they are? In most cases, the ambient noise from the wind over the surrounding terrain and vegetation is louder than the wind turbines.
Originally posted by mdd7000: As to noise, I invite anyone to go and stand as close to a wind turbine as you can get and then tell me how loud they are? In most cases, the ambient noise from the wind over the surrounding terrain and vegetation is louder than the wind turbines.
I don't know about the newer ones but yes, at least the older ones put out some noise. NIMBY as far as I'm concerned due to the noise but otherwise I'm for them.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Originally posted by oink

Originally posted by mdd7000: As to noise, I invite anyone to go and stand as close to a wind turbine as you can get and then tell me how loud they are? In most cases, the ambient noise from the wind over the surrounding terrain and vegetation is louder than the wind turbines.
I don't know about the newer ones but yes, at least the older ones put out some noise. NIMBY as far as I'm concerned due to the noise but otherwise I'm for them.

Big Islander to be.

My wife and I stopped and spent ~ a half hour directly beside/under one of the windmills next to the Upolu Airport one windy afternoon this October. The giants gave off a very calming wosh of white noise that was very calming much like the effect of the sound of the surf. There is no mechanical/unnatural component to the sound.

I'd be glad to have one in my backyard if it cut my energy bills or at least dependence on fossil fuels.


From a risk management perspective, which is better (less overall risk) to have around?
Oil burning power plants which carry the risk of a barge/ship oil spill or geothermal, which might simply blast out the same bad gasses that the volcano already does? Closed loop geothermal has become very safe over the years and continued development will make it safer and more viable.
Wind and solar may be among the safest, but the wind doesn't always blow and the sun doesn't always shine. You have to have a mix of several sources to provide a constant source of energy.
" I am not at all comfortable with the stance that the people of Lana'i should be willing to sacrafice what ever it takes to help Oahus energy inefficency" Mahalo Amanda, that is the point I was trying to make with this thread.
My question was not to debate the efficency of different sustainable energy sources, they all work to some extent.

My question is; Should we alter other islands pristine enviroments to send that energy to Oahu?

Sciguy, would you be glad to have hundreds of them in your backyard to supply energy to Oahu for their continued bad planning? That is my point.

Rob, mahalo for looking at this issue from a long term perspective. Laying a cable to Oahu from the big island is only talk now but so was the cable from Lanai to Oahu just talk a few years ago.

KonaDave, who cares if geothermal is not providing power to the entire big island. The money is on Oahu and just like Lanai if they want it then they will take it.

Has anyone checked the website I linked to earlier? Would someone like to comment on that?
Here is a link to a good wind map which further shows that wind turbines won't ever be in Puna:


mdd7000, I wish I had never used the analogy of a wind farm in Puna.

What about geothermal from Puna for Oahu, and while were at it a new landfill for Oahus trash located in,..........Puna? See my point?

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