10-06-2011, 10:05 AM
Here is your chance to make a difference and stand for change in America. Occupy Wall St is being supported worldwide, "This is What Democracy Looks Like"
Stand up for change!
Have you had enough of the Corruption yet?
"Screw Us and We Multiply"[
The Corrupt "Fear Us"
The Honest Support Us
The Heroic Join Us
951 Cities worldwide has now joined the movement http://map.15october.net/
Now, that's something to smile about!
Sad reality[
Nearly half of households on Welfare
[red]Hilo Event
Derrick Kardos
An open letter to the media:
you're still not getting it.
your reporters are lazy.
traditionally, protests have been the culmination of a movement organized by a heirarchy of leaders who determined demands and then held public protests to promote those demands.
old way:
but we aren't a traditional protest.
our way, the protest comes first and serves as its own organizational tool.
the protestors determine their own demands.
messy, but much more democratic, yes?
the problem with the old way is the protest ends, the protestors go home, and the demands are ignored. repeat.
but our protest never ends.
that is why we call it an occupation.
new way:
injustice-->occupation-->self organization-->revolution
what you reported as disorganized and rudderless
was actually in the process of self-organizing.
you were too blind to see it.
you were looking for an end at the beginning.
in just 3 weeks we've grown to over 60 cities.
we are ever 10000 strong today in new york alone.
we are occupying.
we are organizing.
we are growing.
we are not going to stop until our demands are met.
it is we who are too big to fail.
We are the People.
We hold this Truth to be self-evident:
A government which represents only the interests of banks, media conglomerates, corporations and the richest #1 is no longer democracy. It is oligarchy.
A new form of democracy has come to rescue the old:
a democracy by, for, and of the People again.
Declaration of Occupy Wall St.
Stand up for change!
Have you had enough of the Corruption yet?
"Screw Us and We Multiply"[

The Corrupt "Fear Us"
The Honest Support Us
The Heroic Join Us
951 Cities worldwide has now joined the movement http://map.15october.net/
Now, that's something to smile about!
Sad reality[

Nearly half of households on Welfare
[red]Hilo Event
Derrick Kardos
An open letter to the media:
you're still not getting it.
your reporters are lazy.
traditionally, protests have been the culmination of a movement organized by a heirarchy of leaders who determined demands and then held public protests to promote those demands.
old way:
but we aren't a traditional protest.
our way, the protest comes first and serves as its own organizational tool.
the protestors determine their own demands.
messy, but much more democratic, yes?
the problem with the old way is the protest ends, the protestors go home, and the demands are ignored. repeat.
but our protest never ends.
that is why we call it an occupation.
new way:
injustice-->occupation-->self organization-->revolution
what you reported as disorganized and rudderless
was actually in the process of self-organizing.
you were too blind to see it.
you were looking for an end at the beginning.
in just 3 weeks we've grown to over 60 cities.
we are ever 10000 strong today in new york alone.
we are occupying.
we are organizing.
we are growing.
we are not going to stop until our demands are met.
it is we who are too big to fail.
We are the People.
We hold this Truth to be self-evident:
A government which represents only the interests of banks, media conglomerates, corporations and the richest #1 is no longer democracy. It is oligarchy.
A new form of democracy has come to rescue the old:
a democracy by, for, and of the People again.
Declaration of Occupy Wall St.