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Hwy 130 - Poor roads planning and construction
I am certainly no fan of the traffic "engineering" that takes place on this island, but let's give a break where it's due. The temporary tape is put down by eye with traffic whizzing by. In order to install the permanent marks, measurements are taken, a string is laid and spray paint is applied over the string. This takes a lot of time and stopping of traffic. The paint won't stick to new asphalt so time must pass with the temporary tape in place. One requirement for painting the final lines is dry weather. You can't paint a wet road or a road that will quickly become wet. Thus, some of the delays.
As for the "improvements" at Orchidland, Oi! A shorter holding lane was the last thing needed there. I was surprised (although I don't know why) that a longer holding lane isn't being paved at the same time the turn off lane is being increased.
thanks for the replies. i am thankful that it is temporary tape. i understand the logistics involved for working along the road, and agree that the full effort should not be invested in the temporary solution. if it was permanent, that would have been a whole nother story.

this analogy scrutiny is certainly an unexpected turn for the funny! this is quite an astute group, but that's why i enjoy this forum. in my defense, my analogy was not based on the temporary vs permanent tape, but rather the acceptance of a poor job due to seemingly dangerous conditions.

btw, i'm not scared of the temporary tape, i never said that. i'm concerned that money is getting spent, and the outcome is not necessarily the best possible one.

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