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Some really frightening facts from the website
At the current homicide rate, roughly one in every 240 Americans will be murdered.[23]
* A U.S. Justice Department study based on crime data from 1974-1985 found:
• 42% of Americans will be the victim of a completed violent crime (assault, robbery, rape) in the course of their lives
• 83% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime
• 52% of Americans will be the victim of an attempted or completed violent crime more than once[24]
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Originally posted by afwjam
Originally posted by Rob Tucker
I think it noteworthy that there is a very low rate of gun crime in Hawaii. Perhaps we just have fewer criminals per capita.
I think you found your answer. Obviously a large percentage of gun owners in Hawaii are responsible, so we need not worry about the guns. We need to worry about the criminals.
“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul
Or, the very low rate of gun crime in Hawaii could mean that there are far less guns owned here comparatively speaking. The low rate could also be a result of far fewer criminals locally to worry about.
Honestly, I worry way more about gun owners that fixate on "criminals."
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I pointed out my familiarity with guns to counter the inevitable argument that I'm afraid of them. I'm not; I'm just very, very, comfortable with living here a long time without the need to have one around.
People talk about freedom without discussing responsibility. I'm sure that the gun advocates posting here are mostly safe and careful with their weapons. The problem I have is that with gun proliferation comes a larger number of folks that are for a lack of a better phrase; Idiots with guns. Is it locked? Serviced? Is a thief going to take it from them? Are they going to panic one night and shoot uncle Kimo who got drunk and tried to open the wrong garage door? Is their kid going to get hold of it and bring it to school?
I'm perfectly happy with the serenity of not needing one to feel safe. If I felt the need to arm myself, the stress associated with such a lifestyle change would take years off my life.
Forget the criminals; I'm just not that afraid. Let's work to keep our idiots unarmed.
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Hawaii has very low gun ownership and very few gun-related deaths. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Oh yeah, the UK has a "growing crime problem" but it's nothing compared to the US. Must be all those idiots with guns.
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By my non-lawyer reading a standard unaltered SKS would be fine. One altered to take the larger magazines would not. One of the models that accepts AK mags would not.
Don't worry Glen, I won't bring more than 6 or 7, well maybe 8:
1)Carry pistol. 2)Small pocket pistol(walks). 3)Fancy carry pistol that's too expensive to get beat up actually being carried but I like. 4).22 revolver for killing armed and dangerous tin cans. 5).22 rifle for pests and possibly pigs. 6).44mag revolver for when I hunt pigs with a .22. 7).44 or 308 carbine for pigs. 8) 270 rifle for goat. 9)12g for birds 10)Maybe a 1911 if I find a club. 11) Maybe a .22mag rifle for pigs. 12)The single shot combination rifle that my shift gave me when I retired, for hanging on the wall. Oh sh!t, that's more than I thought, sorry, but that should do. But ya know, I would really like a bolt action .223 but I don't have one. The rest I'll give to my kids, as I've already started doing. Do you think I should bring an AR or Mini-14?
Big Islander to be.
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This may get me kicked out of here, but **** YOU AND **** YOUR ****ING GUNS. Leave them on the Mainland or stay there with them. Giving me a rational argument for hand guns or asemi automatics is ****ing bizarre. They are nothing but a macho replacement for ineffetual masculinity or repressed whatever. As far as the second ammendment, that was in a time of revolution when households were armed to fight the British. As far as guns not killing people, give me a ****ing break. Most guns used in crimes where I am originally from (more gun murders than most places) were stolen guns with serial numbers scratched off. FACT: The more guns, the more people will die from them. Houses will still be robbed and guns will be robbed with them. Imagine the punks who robbed the tourist couple at the hot ponds with guns. GIVE ME A ****ING BREAK. Bring your hunting rifle if you need to kill animals, but hand guns and semiautos. Take Viagara instead. Again: **** YOU.
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Tell me how you really feel.
Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
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I have been to S. Florida - understand the need for all the hardware - grin
Trolls 1 punawebers 0 - grin