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Which weed eater do you like?
Ace has the synthetic 2 cycle oil, which is suppose to mix better with the ethanol gas.

Rob...what is the name of the station in Mt View? Where is it located? Mahalo.

Originally posted by Rob Tucker

You can buy gasoline without the ethanol additive. The gas station in Mountain View has it. It is best for small engines and boats.

The ethanol apparently damages the seals in small engines.

lokahi, it is the ONLY station in mt. view. right on the belt (hwy11) next to the snack shop.
cs gray we have stihl and honda weedwhippers and like them both. the honda is nice cause you dont have to mix the gas. the only thing we have had to replace on either is that little plastic bubble for less than a buck.. both are tough great machines.

a friend just had a terrible ww accident, his dog ran right into his when he had the blade on, not the string, and lost its front leg. he said it threw the dog several feet in the air. i think he uses the shindiawa. so be extremely careful around your pets.

Originally posted by csgray

I've kept goats before, my first daughter was allergic to cow's milk and goat milk was super expensive so I became a goat keeper. Never again, I like goats as long as someone else is responsible for keeping them within the fences and away from the trees and plants you don't want them to eat. We are having enough trouble keeping my puppies in. They are positively goat like in their ability to get through itty bitty holes in the fences. Sheep are on the agenda, but not for a while, thus we need a weedeater.


There are milking sheep on the island.
-Veritas odium parit”(Terence 195–159 BC))-"Truth begets hatred".
One thing I do w/ both mower & weedeater is run them dry, e.g. run them until they run out of gas. That seems the best way to avoid the ethanol damage issues.
The one in someone else's hands...Smile

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” " Krishnamurti "
gotta go with the shindaiwa. I've been weedeating prolly 5-10 hours per week for the last 4 months on a second hand shindaiwa and the only thing i ever had to do was change the spark plug one time.
Hubby uses a shindaiwa "home pro" w/ lead-free gas from up in Mountain View. - the station on Hwy 11. Got it from Garden Exchange 3 years back. A little pricey, but not only do they fill it and start it up right there in the store, they give you an overview of all its features - WHILE IT'S ON and offer advice for its care and maintenance. They also register it for you w/the mfr. They do this with all their products there - which is why we got our mower and chain saw from them. They were the ones who recommended the lead-free gas.
Just bought a Craftsmen weedeater last week....wish I had seen this subject in the forum sooner! We'll see how long this machine
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
Shindaiwa. All the way. You can go with a cheap one if you don't place any value on your time and frustration. It takes time to plan to work with it, start working with it, have it malfunction, try to fix it, pull out your hair, call the 1-800 number, track down the packaging, figure out it's all in vain, drive back to the place you got it (usually not very close), haggle with the seller, go back home and get your receipt, drive back in, haggle with them some more, and have them offer you a replacement only... then repeat. I'm *so* glad I skipped all that 6 years ago, my Shindaiwa still runs strong as ever. Wish I'd been as smart on all my other tools...
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

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