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Meet Mazie at Nanawale Longhouse Sunday, 6/24
Lets see here. The last time Mazie ran against Linda, Linda won by about 10%. So isn't it a question of who do we want to send to Washington to work with Obama, Linda or Case?
I don't agree with every vote Ed Case made when he was our congressman, but he responded to all my inquiries and had an understanding of Neighbor Island issues that we will never get from an Oahu based rep. I also think that he would be a step back from the polarized, make no compromise approach that has brought the nation to a standstill in the face of some serious problems. And once again, Mazie Hirono is the embodiment of the Democratic machine politics that have held sway in Hawaii for too long. If you like the very dysfunctional status quo, vote for Hirono.

Edited to fix really stupid mistake pointed out below.
It Is Ed Not Rick Case better start checking your facts first. You also need to know that Mazie did not vote at all for or against the student loans bill to double the rates. I think a lot of people shoot off thier words with out checking facts and getting the truth. No wonder our country is in such a mess. People need to know the truth not lies about the people running for office. I do check my junk mail for letter Mazie could have replied but I am yet to find any!!!! Why did she not show up to vote for the student loans Issues? Come on, this one this was very important for students in Hawaii.
I care how my reps vote.
I won't vote for Case since he has indicated a willingness to gut Social Security and Medicare, and support the wars of choice such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Same as Lingle.
You want real change in government?- then:
Public not private financing, shorter policy and issue oriented campaigns, and proportional representation, multiple parties so citizens have a real choice on the issues and policies.

Rebuilder, you bring up an excellent point. Please attend one of the public meet-and-greets she'll be attending this weekend and ask her so we can all hear her response to the question of student loans. She will be in Hilo beginning at noon Saturday at the Hilo Hongwanji (across from Manono MiniMart), at Volcano Sunday at 9 a.m. at Kilauea Lodge, and at Nanawale Sunday at 2 p.m.

When the newcomers heading the Democratic Party in Kona tell me Mazie got beat by Lingle in 2002 and therefore it's proven that Mazie cannot beat the former governor, I tell them that EVERYONE was so disgusted with the Hawaii Dems after the terms of John Waihee and Ben Cayetano and Mazie got next to nothing in support from the good ole boys in her 2002 campaign for governor that for the first time, many of us jumped party lines to vote for Lingle, because we wanted honest change. Mazie had not built her own reputation at that time but now, a decade later, she has a very progressive, positive record to run on.

And Lingle proved herself to be totally false, and at least 2 of her top appointees ended up in prison for corruption and harassment. She left this state with an economic mess and it wasn't all external economic factors that created that mess!

Jerry Carr, you beat the same bush (as do I) about unionism and the corrupt good ole boys system here. I've had a front-row observer's seat to the DemParty machine since 1972 when I tried to vote in the Dem. caucus to elect McGovern and was home within 5 minutes since it was such a controlled meeting that there was no grass-roots public input, just the machine at the height of its power. It was only in 2008 when I was no longer beholden to publishers or the DOE that I started being an active political participant.
My point is that I'm very aware of the corruption of the machine here but I'm also able to analyze what's going on now realistically. And the machine is now well past its maturity and has no real organization outside of Sen. Inouye's office. Abercrombie has really declined in popularity among his own members since taking the governor's office and the party is much more split than I've ever been aware of, especially with the anti-environmental, anti-teachers (NOT anti-union but anti-teachers!) stance that the administration is pushing. And Mazie's Congressional record on the environment, on social issues, etc. is progressive, often in conflict with Sen. Inouye's more warlike profile.

Sorry, but Ed Case is a Republicrat and when we vote for someone as a Democrat, we need to know he is going to vote for Democratic values, not Republican ones. It's the Republicans who have held up the whole country's ability to deal with its domestic problems by refusing to compromise and pushing the GOP priority above all else of making sure Obama is a one-term president!

Ed Case ia am man who wants to help the Hawaiian Islands and the people. He is a Democrate and you do not have a clue. Mazie is a Puppet!!! She will not debate Ed for fear we will see her lack of knowledge. She onlys talks about her mother and Japan and the tourists for the Japaneese. I am sorry but I need a person who can debate on all issues and a person who is a leader!!! Ed Case is a leader and he has agendas and plans for the future of Hawaii that does not include Big Mainland Packs!!!! He is ready to do what is best for the People not that is best for his Pocket. You need to really look at who you are backing before the election and see the needs of the People of Hawaii not one group of tourists from Japan and their needs. Wake up and see the truth!!!!
Frankie, You can come to Ed Case at a fund Raiser tonight Thursday June 21 from 5 to 7 p.m. and ask him any question you like he will answer your letters calls and questions just as he did when he was our Congressmen. He always responded to every question and email and letter I have ever written him about all the issues. The night will include Top notch Local entertaners, Ono Kau Kau, Ono Desserts and the Best leader for our State in the United States Senate. That would be ED CASE. Tickets are on sale at the door for $10.00. Just be at Aunty Sallys' Luau Hale at 4:30 p.m. to get a great seat!!! I am sure you will see why Ed Case is the BEST Person for the JOB!!!! Do come and see why I feel he is the Strong Leader we need for Hawaii.
Excuse me but Mazie Hirono and Ed Case debated twice last week, Tuesday on Hawaii Public Radio and Wednesday on Hawaii Public TV. Apparently you didn't listen. You can still catch it online. Previous to that, they participated in two others, one sponsored by the AARP and the other a Hawaii Lodging and Tourism Assoc. debate.

Second, how many of you want to go to war in Iran? If Ed Case goes back to Congress, plan on it! Ed Case, who brags about having worked for Spark Matsunaga, voted for the Cheney/Bush war in Iraq. Hawaii's other Congressional delegates voted against it, despite knowing they were in the minority on the vote. Spark Matsunaga must have turned over in his grave at Ed's vote!!!

And don't think if the Republicans win, we won't be going to war in Iran. Why do you think there is so much superPAC money being spent on this election? They don't spend that kind of money without expecting more in return and it's war that provides that! They don't give a flying fig about peoples' lives, or their needs.

I want to be sure the person I send to the Senate does not vote for war in Iran and I can't put that trust in ED CASE!!!
P.S. Mazie's events are FREE!
You don't think Obama is going to continue the war with Iran? He started it.

“Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.”
-Ron Paul

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