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Kelena, totally agree. Here you go- Email addresses for Council:
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Don't forget nonfeasance, which is when you know what is the right thing to do, and are capable of doing it, but do not do so. I would say that all three feasances apply here.
Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
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There has been a temptation to deride the clerk's actions as incompetent. If you commit a series of reckless acts knowing that the probable consequence is ruin, the law will imply an intent that takes the action out of mere negligence. I am not prepared to call that, yet as I think we need more information. The state has already called her incompetent. But I am not so sure. The pattern is so distinct, and so clearly ruinous of the office that it almost appears intentional. To what end? To whose end?
Well, no matter. Her certified incompetence, and we can only hope that that is what it is (by that I mean that negligence is a best case scenario) is enough to get her ejected. A resolution asking that she get help is wholly inadequate. My resolution would be that she get help at the unemployment office and that the two LIVING fired workers be brought back immediately (with their trespasses to be dealt with through progressive discipline).
And yes, nonfeasance would count. In this case, I think you have someone tampering with the brakes, and then watching while the car goes over the cliff and engaging in nonfeasance while it does.
She must go. I need everyone to contact their representatives. Code flaming blue.
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I find too many anomalies in the primary problems to be explained simply. Too many hands involved in too many ways. The top priority is to get through the general election cleanly, which is very possible - especially with as many eyes as will be on the process. Then there will be time to investigate thoroughly and assign blame.
When Kelena asks: "To what end? To whose end?" There may well be answers to that someday.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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I'm finding a recent post on the BIC a little disturbing:
I don't understand why this is newsworthy. The implication is that anyone caught on a surveillance camera must be guilty of something. I posted a comment there asking about this but it was late this evening so no reason to expect a response while I write this post. But I can't figure out what relevance those surveillance images have to anything.
Can anyone explain the bit I'm missing?
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TomK, didn't get it either. However, perhaps with all the decisions made by Kawauchi, everything has become suspect.
BIC interviewed the woman who waited for Kawauchi to call her that night (to open the office or something), and allegedly, she never did.
Still don't get it, but will wait for response from BIC. Maybe another article forthcoming?
All I know is my Tutu was right! "What you do in the dark will come out in the light". One of her favorite lessons.
Waiting for the light to be shed on this whole ordeal. Ugh!
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Is Tiffany really scouring the island for video surveillance tapes of the clerk? Has she checked gas stations
and convenience stores?
Tiffany seems to have moved from reporting news to creating news. There appears to be a witch hunt underway. There may be reasons to be
critical of the clerk but the fuzzy tape post smacks of character assassination. Not the first time at BIC... probably not the last either. Embarrassing.
Assume the best and ask questions.
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Just who has been trying to manipulate the votes? Where did that come from? What does a bunch of fuzzy pictures laden with insinuation have to do with anything?
Assume the best and ask questions.
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She must go. When viewed in isolation, her actions and behaviors might not seem significant, but when seen together a very clear pattern emerges. The very clear overall picture we have now -- not one grainy video, but the big picture--- is of a woman who has interfered with the elections process, by negligence or design, when she should be safeguarding it. The State has already found that she is incompetent. My working theory is and has been that she is QUITE competent.
The time for discussion is over. She must go. And Yagong must go as well, for shielding her. And if others start *****footing over this, we need to start to wonder how their silence and equivocation has been so easily obtained.
And I think watching her very closely to the extent it can be done legally is actually an excellent idea, including when she pulls in to gas up. I've seen enough and you should have, too, by now.
If you haven't already contacted our representatives and demanded that she resign and that the previous workers be reinstated, please do so.
And then ask Yagong to resign, too. Tell Fred to actually take a stand instead of dithering and asking for volunteers to build bus shelters, and tell that kid running against him to grow up quick because our fundamental rights are at stake. Maybe he should start putting those ears to the ground and then demonstrate what it is actually like to represent citizens.
She must resign now and only significant pressure will suffice to do that. I am asking everyone to bring that pressure and dislodge her. We already have an election that is in question due to her actions (Akaka).
Care to have a Senatorial election in question in November? Want to complain after the fact? I recommend you start complaining now.