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New restaurant opening in Pahoa tomorrow
National average for wages of line cooks at all establishments is just under $10.... ($19K/year)

California has an average of slightly higher than $10 for starting salary for line cooks at HIGH END restaurants ($21K/yr), Hawaii average starting is lower...

That said, if an employer offers a starting salary at the minimum wage, and there is an employee willing to work for that, then that is OK.

John, you were obviously not willing to work for that...and that is OK...but as long as the employer is offering a legal salary, and there is a worker willing to work for it, then the free market is working....
You will not find a quality experienced cook willing to work for $7.25 an hour at any restaurant other then fast food. Everyone who is a line cook in a real restaurant makes at least $10/hr. and usually much more. Pay chefs low pay expect low quality food.
I almost hate to point this out, but that "run down dump on the side of the highway" is quite possibly the only available commercial kitchen space (other than the ex-KFC) in lower Puna.

Perhaps he would like a nicer space, but can't afford it and/or didn't want to open in Hilo?

Also, more to the point, nobody is being forced to eat there (or work in the kitchen), if your idea of "living wage" means driving to Hilo and/or eating at McDonald's, great, go do that!
hmmm. I've turned down some GREAT job offers because they are in Hilo and frankly, I don't want to waste my time or gas or wear and tear on my car to drive down there everyday. I guess if I was the family breadwinner I would (which my hubby does). But I'd consider working for $7.25 at this place. Working in kitchens is fun, you get to eat some yummy food (if the owner is cool with it of course!)and its less than 3 miles from my house I think.

I guess I don't see the problem with making minimum wage. I'd rather work for $7.25 an hour close to my home than make $10 an hour in Hilo.

And I also thought the place was nice, it was so clean and open and airy. The food was good. The staff didn't appear to be slaves or held there against their will.... So I'm guessing they are just fine with making whatever it is that the owner/manager/whoever offered.

ALSO we don't know that the line cook is making $7.25 an hour. We are just going on an assumption posted by someone who is doing some drive by postings....

The complaining poster has used line cook and chef as the same job. A "line cook" and a "chef" are two different jobs. A Chef usually does make more than a line cook. See below:

Originally posted by Johnp

Missing the point. No chef for any restaurant gets paid $7.25/hr. unless you're working at McDonald's. Says a lot about the quality of the food. You get what you pay for.

Originally posted by Johnp

You will not find a quality experienced cook willing to work for $7.25 an hour at any restaurant other then fast food. Everyone who is a line cook in a real restaurant makes at least $10/hr. and usually much more. Pay chefs low pay expect low quality food.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
Do your research before you open a restaurant. Many fold because they have no respect or connection with the local community. Owners are ignorant to the community around them. I won't patronize a place where the rich get richer and the owner makes a fortune by paying a chef $7.25/hr. Only an inexperienced fool would work there which says a lot about what to expect as for quality of the food. Chefs go to culinary school for years and should be highly respected and decently compensated for their skills and training. This is a restaurant not McDonald's.
The owner posted ads offering to pay $7.25/hr. for a line cook which he then deleted after realizing how embarrassed he is. I think southern BBQ would do great at a real restaurant location, not on the side of the highway. Not an easily accessible place or desirable unless you're the type that likes run down dive places isolated on the side of the highway. For someone so highly acclaimed you think he could pay better and afford a better location.
Again: afford a better location *where* exactly?
Why not Hilo? Many locations avail.
Gosh....most every southern BBQ place I have been to in the southern mainland has been on the side of a road much like 130.... have never really been to many in large downtown areas.... the whole great thing about a southern BBQ is the smokin' meat...which is probably harder to accomplish in a downtown location...although downtown Memphis has one that I fondly remember from years back as a newbie industrial inspector...but that is 'nother story....

John, every one gets that you do not approve of this establishment, but then you start going into details that really do sound more made up...well it just is asking for folks to correct...and the indeed forum has many inputs, but the facts are that line cooks (not chefs) do not make a whole lot of money & never really have.....& posting YOUR OPINIONS on things like the reasons why an owner takes down a post...maybe it is because they have the staff that they need right now....

Then you talk as if you are a local, but add what a "southern BBQ" should be...and you may have missed the mark, as roadside BBQ is what southern BBQ is about, in my mind...

Oh, and taking down your first post, even though it had already been copied was probably a clue... not really good netique... esp if you try to change up the gist...since it was already copied & pasted....

Although I am constantly editing my posts, it is more to the fact that I have never mastered the skill of typing & thinking & spelling & such...not to change the total gist of a post!
The facts are this place sucks and won't last very long, They have no respect for the local community. The owner has the nerve to offer $7.25/hr. to a line cook. Please get real or get lost! The food quality is horrible because inexperienced untrained people are operating his highly profitable dump. Only those who support the rich getting richer will eat here.

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