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Zendo Kern introduces Anti-Albezia bill?!
Originally posted by Seeb

The insurance is the most expensive part of taking down trees

Funny, a tree guy said the same thing after reading the HTH "$2K-10K/tree" figures.
You can skin an Albezia, that is cutting off about a 4 foot swath of skin all the way around the tree. It will take a while but the tree will decay from inside and drop right down where it stands. Don't know if I would trust this method if it was a danger of hitting something, but if not it works. The best part is a new tree wont grow out of it.
Originally posted by Sun

Originally posted by Seeb

Are there any biological controls for albezia?

Are there any biological controls for humans that have to intervene into nature's plan? Should we just pave the island for you complainers?

See Kilauea.
Quote from Sun:

"Are there any biological controls for humans that have to intervene into nature's plan? Should we just pave the island for you complainers?"

Albizia being on this island was NOT "nature's plan" It was human intervention every step of the way. They were brought from a distant continent by humans, propagated, planted and tended by humans, and now are an out of control hazard to humans. Not wanting to be flattened in your home by a falling monster tree growing on an off island owner's lot next door isn't really being a complainer.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Thank you Carol. This is not a case of being picky, this is a matter of safety
Nothing left to do but
I don't know who this "Sun" character is but the two posts I have read sound to me like self-righteous preaching. I lump self-righteous preaching in with complaining as both are expressing an opinion without any useful suggestion for a remedy. I will do my best to refrain from being influenced by Sun's posts until they win back some credibility.
Here's one way to possibly remove albezia rather quickly. Tax them. If the county put an annual tax of, say, $100 per tree I would expect to hear the sounds of chainsaws all over the area real fast.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Here's one way to possibly remove albezia rather quickly. Tax them. If the county put an annual tax of, say, $100 per tree I would expect to hear the sounds of chainsaws all over the area real fast.

Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Here's one way to possibly remove albezia rather quickly. Tax them. If the county put an annual tax of, say, $100 per tree I would expect to hear the sounds of chainsaws all over the area real fast.

Almost perfect -- but the tax would be easier to pass if it sounded "small", say ... $10/caliper inch.

Of course, County would end up owning several blocks of Nanavale Estates...

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