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Shark Bite Victim - Pohoiki Boat Ramp
Forgot to share my kupuna teaching about swimming with the sharks (Mano):

If the wiliwili tree has blossoms stay the hell out of Mano territory!

I have no explanation why, except that was the rule. Anyone else heard this? It is true, you know. JMO.
Where are there any Wiliwili trees left in Puna? I would love to see them. Only have seen
False Wiliwili.
Ula Boy is a part of the Puna surf team & the Jeff Hunt will most likely have updates on his condition & such....
I was there when the shark bites occurred. Two observations:
1. I understand a fellow surfer named Dallas came to Ulu Boy's aid in the water and helped him to shore. If anyone knows his full name or can corroborate, Dallas deserves recognition. Truly heroic, Dallas.
2. Several of us were wondering why the ambulance took so long. I estimate it took 30-45 minutes. I live in HPP, further away than the ambulance. It takes me a bit less than 30 minutes to reach Pohoiki. I don't have a siren or flashing lights. Maybe they were on another mission. If not, why so long? If he had a severed artery, Ulu Boy would have bled to death. Never heard a siren and I was there the entire time.
3. Mahalo to the lifeguards and, I heard, a nurse who gave medical help.
One might ask why there's no ambulance garaged somewhere along the Red Road.

Yeah, I know, "money", and County's "avoid sprawl by putting everything in Hilo (or maybe Pahoa)", along with the ambulance service being a private for-profit enterprise...
Interesting that the article claims about twenty minutes to arrival from call going out.

"When the ambulance arrived at the scene, about 19 minutes after the call went out"

I assume someone dialed 911 ASAP, yes?

-- rainshadow
-- rainshadow
Would be interesting to note the time of call to time of arrival. Probably would have been better to drive him in. One thing for sure.....I'd hate to get that bill. I'd think that might be around 2-3K bucks or more.
"I understand a fellow surfer named Dallas came to Ulu Boy's aid in the water and helped him to shore."

Had to be Dallas O'Shaughnesy. A true Kalapana Waterman. He and Kainoa Hauanio have performed a lot of rescues from their jetskis in the area.
Yep, I agree! Dallas should be recognized a real hero!! Thank you for saving that boy's life. I hope Ulu Boy is back up on his board soon.

He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.
He who hoots with owls at night cannot soar with the eagles in the morning.

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