snorkle stated: "This is very true, and exactly why the energy future of our Island has no business being located there.
It's one thing for a resident to want to live in this magical area; people have been here for centuries. The smarter ones build modular and move out of the way of the lava; just like the Hawaiians have always done."
With all due respect, "magical area"???? We have been here for generations. Magical, you say? You have NO idea. The few who grew up here in Puna, for generations, consider our piko, our aina,
We never built "modular" and "moved out of the way". Ever. My Tutu and Papa stayed, no matter the flow. We all did. You know why? The lava moves
around us. When the blood of Pele runs through your veins,
the lava splits in two and goes around your aina, and connects when it has past the "boundary". We live it. My Tutu would get us "hot cocoa and cracker" while we watched the lava from her kitchen. [
] It was part of life.
Leilani Estates in the old days, was a very, very different environment. The growth has been a detriment to our "magical" aina. The history around Leilani Estates area is deep, let the truth be known. Stories abound. Akualele flew over that area in preparation for battle. It is somewhat telling, given the situation today.
Be ever vigilant, not just there, but in all the Kapoho, Pohoiki, Opihikao, Kalapana, Kapahua, Kau area,and make certain actions and words are accurate and just. This area will "chew you up and spit you out", if you are not "pono". In the
true sense.
As we move forward, those of us who attempt to accept change, do so. However, we never forget our culture. As kanaka maoli, we (my ohana, a very large one) accept the gift of our Tutu, not produced by a foreigner, but hopefully, by our own people. We should be able to manage our Akua given resource, to help
ALL of us.
The East Rift Zone is not going to move.
Geothermal has been a part of our culture since the days of King Kalakaua. In 1881, King David Kalakaua of Hawaii and several of his closest advisors paid a visit to New York. During this visit, Kalakaua sought the counsel of Thomas Edison regarding an extraordinary vision – the possibility to harness the myriad natural resources that Hawaii possesses to create power. As a result, Honolulu became one of the first Western cities to have electric streetlights, powered by a nearby hydroelectric plant.
The problem is we allowed a foreign entity,and the State, to dictate how we utilize our own resource. It is obvious Puna is the area where the energy is. It's been there forever. We must move forward, and if people can not deal with it, move. Period.