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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
The bill exempts papaya.
Thanks for the correction.

That makes the headline even more misleading. Now county council gets to decide which GMOs are a threat to society?
Another victory for Big Papaya.
So does that mean they banned my papaya (GMO) that is growing in my yard??? GASP! I got news! 90% of all papaya's growing on this island are probably all from GMO seeded Papaya's. Ban that!
I believe papaya are exempt from this. What I cannot find information on, is what will happen with the bishop estate property being leased by Monsanto. Will they be allowed to continue to spray what they are spraying and do whatever else they are doing for the remainder of their lease here?
Originally posted by JungleWahine

I believe papaya are exempt from this. What I cannot find information on, is what will happen with the bishop estate property being leased by Monsanto. Will they be allowed to continue to spray what they are spraying and do whatever else they are doing for the remainder of their lease here?

Did you call KSBE and ask them what ramifications this has on their lease? I'm sure they'd tell you. There is a local land use office here on this island, I think located in Kona. Give them a call and see what they can offer. Just a suggestion.

Also have great respect for Mr. Ha. He's been in the agriculture business for decades. I believe the first my memory provides is in 1950's or thereabouts. Say what you will about Mr. Ha, but he is solid as pahoehoe, in my opinion. A good source of factual information, and a very decent human being. JMO.
GMO coffee and GMO kalo (taro) have been banned in the County for some time. My sense is that GMO coffee was banned as growers feared potential problems with exports. GMO kalo was banned due to its spiritual significance to native Hawaiians.

Some GMO corn is grown up Hamakua way, by and for the dairy.

GMO papayas were allowed from the 90s on because Ringspot Virus had demolished the Oahu papaya industry in the 50s, and it was destroying the Big Island industry as well. It was a question of GMO papayas or NO papayas for export. And they're being grandfathered in, at least in early versions, but with restrictions, such as safety margins around the farms.

Mostly what this bill, IF passed, will do is ban the GMO Seed business from the Big Island. It's nearly a $250,000,000/yr business on the other islands. Seed companies such as Syngenta like growing agricultural seed in Hawai'i because they can get 3 crops, sometimes 4, in a year.
I'm sorry you folks aren't more excited that Big Island is a slightly safer and environmentally friendly place since our county officials have taken the first step in banning GMOs. Sad.

Wa, I bought on a dusty road and expected someone else to pay for paving it already. Wa.

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
No, the anti-GMO bill does not make the Big Island safer and in this case more "friendly" is certainly in the eye of the beholder. As far as many of us are concerned it is an aggressive and regressive anti-agriculture and anti-science bill. Check it out:
What could possibly be wrong with a Chemical company patenting our food supply in order to sell more herbicide?

Monsanto's GMO efforts aren't about feeding the masses; they are about commodifying and controlling genetics technology now, for later exploitation and profit.

Fight Monsanto here and now; while we still can.

"Reality ain't what it used to be"

^ great bumper sticker I saw at malama yesterday.

Monsanto may not own the patent on Papaya at the moment...but its just a matter of time, if they wanted it - it'd be theres. I love the willful naievete comments reveresed. I agree greg, its obvious the groundwork for a completely different stage is being built and most have yet to see the man behind the curtains.

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