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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
"The current legislation will severely restrict farming being viable here in the long term as various crops face new introduced diseases and pests."

This is a fabrication. The island currently has very little agriculture despite claims otherwise. Also this affects only GMO crop species which as a whole make up a minuscule fraction of the available food producing crop species. A realistic statement would read: "The current legislation will severely restrict farming GMOs here."

"Fantasy Island" where there are no diseases or pests introduced that could decimate local agriculture."

This statement is so far off, its as if in your reality there is no redress for weeds and insects besides GMO species...this is simply not true. There are other routes, granted, they are not as 'easy' as round up ready crops. Whoever thought farming was supposed to be easy...

"This is a fabrication [...] this affects only GMO crop species"

Fabrication? GM can be used to save non-GM species, just like happened with papaya.
Is it really that hard to understand?
Are you a farmer?
Are you a scientist?
Do you have experience creating genetically modified organisms?
Do you have experience farming organically?
Do you have experience applying, producing, or cleaning up pesticides of any kind?

I'm curious what are the factual basis of your statements? Are they opinions?
Jim, it's not a fabrication. Bananas are grown here on the home and commercial scale. They will almost certainly face decimation by the two diseases I mentioned as has happened around the world and happened in the 20th century with the main banana cultivar grown for export throughout Central and South America. Papaya farming has indeed been threatened and such farming would have been severely restricted in being viable if this legislation had been in place before GMO papaya. Is it possible this could happen with corn, bananas, and other crops in which conventional breeding would either not address or be to slow to address a major disease? Of course it is, and for some things, it's likely. There are some interesting things going on with GMO bananas in Uganda, where diseases are severely impacting yields and are a major part of people's diets. They are the 4th biggest staple crop worldwide. If it was needed for banana farming to survive here, the legislation would mean you could not grow GMO bananas here, but presumably could continue to import them from elsewhere. That makes no sense.
"They will almost certainly face decimation by the two diseases I mentioned"

Is this an opinion?
"Monsanto may not own the patent on Papaya at the moment...but its just a matter of time"

Is this an opinion?
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Originally posted by Big_Island

I too would like to know why trolling is allowed in the anti-geo and anti gmo thread's and not allowed in others?

Again, Robguz, I do agree with you, or more aptly your situation/reason for GMin' Bananas. To prevent extinction. I don't agree with it completely, but I do side more so with that use of GM, than opposed to the super-pesticide resistant, or pesticide producing, and especially the animal DNA Splicing. Thanks for your input, it makes much sense.

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
I'd rather have what little agriculture we have now than none at all in the future, i agree with robguz!!!

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