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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
Originally posted by james weatherford

check out this:

WOW - haven't seen a conman pitch like this in a very long time. These guys are good... "Sign up for free - but if you upgrade to our premium sign in in the next 36 hours, for just $99.95, you'll get half off our regular $199.95 price of admission..." If there's "one born every minute", these guys will do very well on their "free" GMO summit.
Reply This link is to the article--Yogic Flying and GMO Foods: the wild theories of Jeffrey Smith.

Brenda Ford and Margaret Wille brought Jeffrey Smith in via Skype at a recent county council anti GMO hearing. He was given more than twice the amount of time of UH professors, some did not even get a chance to testify. Jeffrey Smith attributed every ailment from mumps to boils to GMO's. I felt sorry for the farmers, especially the moms, who brought their small kids to participate in our democracy.

In case you're interested, this is what yogic flying looks like. As an advocate, Jeffrey Smith feels that if they can get 8,000 people flying at the same time, world peace can be achieved..

Farmers want to bring all stakeholders together and have a serious discussion about the future of food self sufficiency for the Big Island. Farmers have common sense and have their feet planted firmly on the ground. Yet, the council without seeking input from the farmers is getting ready to fly off . Where? No one knows!
This really says it all (re: The GMO Summit) :

The GMO Mini Summit is for you if:
- You’re unsure what Genetically Modified Foods are and you’re worried you may have already been affected.
- You’re frightened about GMOs and the future of our food.
- While you prioritize your health, and are diligent about eating wisely, you’re still experiencing allergies, food sensitivities, weight or intestinal issues, and you wonder if GMO foods might be to blame.
- You’ve read articles and maybe even seen documentaries about GMOs, but you feel even more confused from all the conflicting evidence.
- You’d like to be able to explain GMOs to family and friends in a quick way anyone can understand.

Target the fearful and the uneducated. They hand over their money a lot more easily.
Comparing GM technology to Thalidomide, that's classy.

I'm still waiting for some names to put on the proposed Monument To The Victims of GM Technology.
We could make it a Puna tourist attraction.
Originally posted by geochem

Originally posted by james weatherford

check out this:

WOW - haven't seen a conman pitch like this in a very long time. These guys are good... "Sign up for free - but if you upgrade to our premium sign in in the next 36 hours, for just $99.95, you'll get half off our regular $199.95 price of admission..." If there's "one born every minute", these guys will do very well on their "free" GMO summit.

We've been listening to it yesterday and today at a cost of $00.00.
Try it, unless you are afraid to hear what is being said.
Originally posted by james weatherford
We've been listening to it yesterday and today at a cost of $00.00.
Try it, unless you are afraid to hear what is being said.

I did - briefly - I've seen con artists at work before - so nothing new to be learned there... more productive things to do with my time....
I am really impressed with Jeffrey Smith.

He can fly !!

I would be more impressed if he would do it on a hard surface like concrete or maybe broken glass !!

Have you noticed that he has a business that sells video tapes and books ! He also gives lectures for money !!

His only formal training is in some form of dance !!

Flim-Flam man !!!

Why is it that research that is funded by companies that are involved in GM are deemed as being false but ridiculous claims funded by the Flim-Flam man are gospel ?

Why are we allowing our state senator to use money obtained from his health food chain to propose bans on foods that will benefit his company??

Conflict of interest anyone !!
I wondered if I was the only one who saw a conflict of interest in Ruderman's business and GMO positions. Unless he has actually proposed anti-GMO legislation or refused to recuse himself from same, however, he hasn't actually broken any formal rules that I know of. Still, it's worth noting.
...right, wouldn't want to confuse you with the facts.
Originally posted by james weatherford

...right, wouldn't want to confuse you with the facts.

Originally posted by peteadams

The only "factual info" in this discussion is that the anti-GMO position does not have a scientific leg to stand on. Period.

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