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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's

foul, Obie:
With about 80%+ of corn (maize) grown in the USA being gmo and something less than half of that going to ethanol the non-organic corn and corn not labeled "non-gmo" IS gmo. Which means most of the corn in beef, pork, eggs, chicken, and turkey IS gmo and the corn in corn chips, corn bread, corn grits, and corn whiskey IS gmo.
And, of course, that does not address pollen drift ... ball...


I will play ball if you do.

Recently the anti gmo group was crowing that Mexico had banned gmo's.

The truth is that they have a moratorium on gmo planting.It was being challenged in their court system and the judge ruled that gmo crops could not be planted.

In the meantime they import 25 % of their corn because they can't grow enough to feed their population !!!

If you want to, read and understand some of the links I have posted.If you did ,you would realize that most of 60 countries that Russell claims have regulated gmo's ,still import them.

And how are you going to reconcile the fact that marijuana is GMO.

Just on the cusp of marijuana being legalized, the County council is going make it illegal.
Quit yer belly aching and label the crap and just let the market decide!
Nothing left to do but
Obie said, "marijuana is GMO."


cannabis has been genetically engineered?

FYI, in case anyone is interested in today's Council meeting, here it is live: (Mahalo Occupy Hilo for providing this service):
...and here is new information from a couple of organizations, Kansas State University and Yale University (not sure if everyone would agree That Kansas State and Yale qualify as "major" or "credible", so will let the reader decide).
Originally posted by james weatherford

Obie said, "marijuana is GMO."


cannabis has been genetically engineered?

Yes, Scientists have spliced a Pringles gene with the cannabis Indica plant that proves effective in controlling the munchies.

[Big Grin]

Originally posted by james weatherford

Obie said, "marijuana is GMO."


cannabis has been genetically engineered?
Thanks for that, Obie.

With transgenic cannabis being pursued, yet another reason for the consumer to be informed, and for non-gmo producers to be protected from pollen drift.
Russell asked the question "60 countries regulate GMOs for hysterical reasons, or the science is suppressed in the U.S., where a former Monsanto V.P. is in charge of food policy?"

The latter assertion Obie answered with the link to the Food Safety News article. No, the guy seems to be a public servant who has indeed been through the revolving door of government and industry. He indicated his trip through industry was less than satisfying.

As for whether ""60 countries regulate GMOs for hysterical reasons" the answer is "sure." Just look at the antics of the county council inviting a yogic flyer as their anti-GMO spokesperson. There's a well known conflict between the EU scientific and political organizations regarding GMO with the expected sides being taken.

Russell didn't provide links to the conclusions he stated, but a little research on one, the potato feeding experiment, showed that the researcher in question was eventually fired, partly for releasing preliminary results publicly before publication. The study itself is not well regarded.

Finally, I have to laugh a bit when a study is cited purporting to show that Bt toxins are detectable in humans. The Bt concentrates used on vegetables have been for years the go-to pesticide for *organic* farmers to control larva based insects. The Bonide Products (a large distributor of garden chemicals) federal label for their Bt product states that the pesticide "may be applied up to the day of harvest, the standard for Bt concentrates. Who knows how many tons of Bt concentrate has been loosed upon the world by organic farmers and thus may show up in humans? Why pin any such occurrence (if it actually happens) on a GMO rather than "organic" foods?

A Cornell University pesticide toxicology review states that "B.t. is considered ideal for pest management because of its specificity to pests and because of its lack of toxicity to humans or the natural enemies of many crop pests." The review notes experiments where humans consumed a gram a day of the concentrate and had no negative effects. It goes on to say "Since it was one of the first biological control agents registered for use against insects in the U.S., B.t. had to undergo a testing program which was more thorough than that which the EPA currently requires for biological pesticides. As a result, there are no data gaps in the toxicity information required by the EPA for registration purposes."

Maybe the organic farmers were right in their choice of Bt as a pesticide.
Opihikao, great link. Well now we see the intentions of more geothermal whether we like it or not. There putting out 38 and need to reach goal's of 40 or 50, Why are the Ohia dying, the relocation list growing to 30, and even more power outages?. Next is they will have enough energy or fuel to FUEL our Gmo machinery too. Amonia may be good to have on hand too (OAHU). Why are the small farmer's here in Puna not being surveyed for some of the stat's Richard HA is claiming 90% of who?. Why are we moving so fast on these issues all of a sudden?. Almost like the choices have been taken out of the communities hands already. (GMO & MORE GEOTHERMAL). aaaahhhh sssssuuuuurrrrrreeeee wwwwwwhhhhhyyyyy nnnnnoooootttttt?? WE GOT TO STAND FOR SOMETHINGS. Health, education, and safety are some good things. 2 cents only.

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