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How real is the rascism ?
Read this my friend get yourself educated what Colonist do to control and destroy a civilization, instead of getting hung up on semantics

Originally posted by PaulW

It is not a question of semantics. Your quote is a lie.
You should read the link I posted:

He never said that (the quote is less than 20 years old) nor does it represent the gist of his thinking at all.
Just admit you were mistaken and move on, that's what real "truth seekers" do.

“petitor veritatis” one who seeks the truth
I'm already educated, thanks. I even know how to use a spellchecker.

"For the sake of accuracy i have the the actual speech in classical english is"
English is not my mother tongue, I speak 6 languages, but my intellect is superior, and that is what counts
Originally posted by PaulW

I'm already educated, thanks. I even know how to use a spellchecker.

"For the sake of accuracy i have the the actual speech in classical english is"

“petitor veritatis” one who seeks the truth
When talking about imperialism and colonialism it is important to remember that responsibility for the actions of the ruling class of any geographic region cannot be fairly dumped on everyone from that region. In fact, most of the population were also being subjugated by the ruling class at home. My mother's family were religious and political refugees for big chunks of several centuries before they managed to get to the United States through Ellis Island, all their relatives who did not get out perished in the carnage of WWII. They were not imperialists, in fact they were escapees from European Imperialism. So when people talk about "white imperialism" or colonialism across the world, it is important to remember that we are really talking about the actions of a small ruling class with a lot of power.

That was certainly the case for Hawaii, the sons and grandsons of the original New England missionaries came home from college and decided they should own Hawaii, that it was wasted on the 10-20% of the Hawaiian population that had survived all the epidemics of unfamiliar diseases, that the Hawaiian monarchy was unable to effectively rule Hawaii and that they were totally justified in taking over Hawaii. The Hawaiian League, Annexation Club, and the Committee of Safety were determined to overthrow the Monarchy and were purely motivated by desire to rule Hawaii and profit handsomely. The United States' involvement was mostly motivated by the desire to secure permanent control over Pearl Harbor and Hawaii as a military base in the middle of the Pacific, but the plantation owners wanted to rule Hawaii without the Hawaiians or the immigrant plantations workers having any political power or land ownership.

So 125+ years later the white population living in Hawaii is sometimes resented by some people, but "locals" descended from plantation workers, who may not have any Hawaiian ancestry, are not. Do many of the people who can be on the receiving end of that resentment have family ties to the plantation owners who overthrew the Hawaiian Kingdom? Probably not. Did people with similar skin color overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom? Yes. I just wish people would have a little more global perspective when talking about Imperialism and colonial domination, and remember that the ruling classes of the colonial empires were a very small part of the population of those countries, and they didn't treat the lower classes much better than they treated the people in the countries they conquered.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
"Colonist" meaning a large group of people moving into an area to colonize and physically occupy it for themselves?
What you're citing is the activity of Globalist not colonist, they are two very different things. The head Globalist families have last names like Morgan, Chase, Rockefeller, Rothschild's and so on.
I'm not really sure what any of that has to do with this thread. I rather doubt anyone on Punaweb is affiliated with the Globalist responsible for what's going on in the Middle East. Kim Jong-Un is an arrogant little tyrant but the people of North Korea aren't bad people.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Yeah... what csgray wrote too, same concept. Imperialism is now practiced under the title Globalism and the Progressive Agenda often forming false "unions" under the same mislabeled structuring that's fashioned after the primary model of the "Federal Reserve". Mislabeling and establishing boards gives the external impressionism of legitimacy/democratic adherences but in fact it's same old imperialism that has always existed.
I know I don't have a special pass to the club and I doubt anyone in here has one either.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Good God.

Racism is everywhere, if you choose to see it as such.

We (some of us, as kanaka maoli) adapted to the western world, despite the challenges and history of what some perceive. Some call us "assimilated Hawaiians", or the like (ie. sell outs, etc.). One could say we are utilizing the western culture (ie. laws, etc.) as we move forward as a people, in hopes we can maintain and preserve our heritage.

However, we never forget our culture and the teaching of kupuna. Some ka po'e haole are more "Hawaiian" at heart, than those who have the blood of our ancestors, in my opinion.

The manner in which we treat each other is the basis of "Hawaiian" teaching and culture. Mutual respect, no matter the opinion, shared with substance, dignity, and grace. We are not barbarian (in this life and times) by any means.

As such, to the point of this thread, racism is real; everywhere. No matter "race, color or creed".

How we deal with it is our choice.

In the words of our Queen Lili'uokalani:


when hate on da haoles, not cuz of their skin (racism), but cuz of the way they take lands, rights, native plants, etc...its political, not racial
I guess if someone was there to STEAL your land, it would make sense to be defensive.

It is, however, entirely different, to dislike a race or color based on some harsh beliefs.

I dont plan on stealing anything, I will however, be coming to SHARE what Gaia has provided.

Agree apologize for the mix up
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

"Colonist" meaning a large group of people moving into an area to colonize and physically occupy it for themselves?
What you're citing is the activity of Globalist not colonist, they are two very different things. The head Globalist families have last names like Morgan, Chase, Rockefeller, Rothschild's and so on.
I'm not really sure what any of that has to do with this thread. I rather doubt anyone on Punaweb is affiliated with the Globalist responsible for what's going on in the Middle East. Kim Jong-Un is an arrogant little tyrant but the people of North Korea aren't bad people.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

“petitor veritatis” one who seeks the truth

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