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Current options for junk car removal
Any property on this island not under Private, State or Federal ownership belongs to the County of Hawaii, and yes its still illegal to dump vehicles period.

HPD does not have time nor manpower to check every one and follow through, to think they would be able to would be absurd. But DPW will also investigate and request police follow up if they find who is illegally dumping vehicles on County roads. There is no reason to do it in the first place.

The worst part is, the rest of us have to pay for the morons who dump vehicles on property not owned by them and have to deal with the eyesores and costs when its dumped on our property. I don't like paying for your ideas with my tax dollars. Fatal traffic accidents have happened on this island because of vehicles being dumped on county roads, blocking the view of oncoming traffic.
Any property on this island not under Private, State or Federal ownership belongs to the County of Hawaii,

Not necessarily; see also "Roads In Limbo".
jus call the hilo boys and they tow them for free. not sure they do it in kona or yeah?
I've often wondered--why don't they charge the last legal owner of an abandoned car for removal? Surely they haven't all had their VINs removed...

><(((*> ~~~~ ><(("> ~~~~ ><'> ~~~~ >(>

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