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Threat of Axis Deer on the Big Island
Originally posted by Oneself

Wait, are you saying people have BROUGHT them to the island to hunt them ?

(*Snipped - more at link) August 22, 2012 Article / Tribune Herald

Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Song said helicopter pilot Thomas Leroy Hauptman flew four axis deer, from Maui, where the animals were introduced in the 1950s, to the Big Island where they’re not established. He brought back about a dozen mouflon sheep with him to Maui from the Big Island.

Hauptman on Monday entered a plea of guilty in federal court to one misdemeanor count of illegally transporting wildlife, specifically axis deer in 2009. He could be sentenced to up to a year in prison. His defense suggested that he perform community service by flying 500 hours in his helicopter working for the group fighting to eradicate axis deer from the Big Island, the Big Island Invasive Species Committee.

Song said Hauptman was the courier, and not the mastermind.

The owner of the Maui ranch where the sheep were taken, Jeffrey Scott Grundhauser, is scheduled to appear in court Thursday. He’s charged with one misdemeanor count of selling wildlife — axis deer and mouflon sheep — without the proper permit. He also faces up to one year in prison.

Song said federal officials are investigating other individuals in the case.

The first confirmed sighting of an axis deer on the Big Island came in May 2011.

yup - same bird / guy
But wait! Rainyjim says:
"Lets remember who it was who brought these deer to hawaii in the first place...and try and not place all the blame on "a couple of guys with a helicopter""
I say just use drones and get rid of the Deer.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

I say... Unlimited bag permit on axis deer for bow hunters with a $100 a head State funded bounty on each brought in. Rifle hunters given a 12 count annual permit with no bounty. Only one deer permit type per person annually and no mixed permit types within a hunting party Wink

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

“petitor veritatis” one who seeks the truth
paul, talking about King Kamehameha V. brush up on your history will ya?
Actually, the deer were a gift to King Kamehameha V from the government of Hong Kong. A ship showed up and unloaded the deer; at that time it wasn't unusual for governments and royalty to give one another plants and animals for private collections, zoos, and botanical gardens. The Victorians (including Hawaiian royalty) were very big on collections.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
if one knows where to look - there are some amazing canyons on maui .... all invasives - grin
commercial agriculture will be impossible because fencing is too expensive?

No, the commercial ag operations will receive a bailout for losses plus a grant for fencing.
...and people trying to grow their own food and be independent are eff'd.

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