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Sen Ruderman, where is the proof
Actually there were around 40 some deaths and 1500 permanent injuries in one case. But the exact cause was never determined.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
The exact cause was never determined = blame it on GMO. Or vaccines. Or fluoride.

Is GM food safe?
(yes, it's from a blog, but feel free to check those quotes)
If you think ingesting pesticides has no effect, please private message me, I have some $30 bills I can sell you for only $10 each !!
I find it odd that you would think Fluoride is A-Okay. The safe fluoride in drinking water propaganda ship sank years ago.
I assume you understand that fluoride is absorbed by the teeth in young children and has positive dental benefits but there's no benefit for putting it in drinking water to be consumed as it's a toxin when digested. In toothpaste fine, in drinking water... NO.
There have since been many independent peer reviewed studies about the toxicity of fluoride in drinking water. You're welcome to revisit the subject and find up to date information on the matter. Please don't show me stake holders claims or out of date conflict of interest studies on the matter. GMO is following in the same foot tracks of the old fluoride non-scientific propaganda promotion. Fortunately for the people of today many are well aware of the lack in true independent scientific peer review study on GMO and will not be so easily beguiled by baseless propaganda again.
You're more than welcome to have your opinion but I as many others demand complete and thorough independent scientific peer reviewed and verified positive result safety studies before accepting another pack of corporate financed clouded claims and lies.

ETA: I know you don't like to read through entire document's so I'll bring this section to your attention within the link:

"Fluoride's suppressive effect on the thyroid is more severe when iodine is deficient, and fluoride is associated with lower levels of iodine.[22] Thyroid effects in humans were associated with fluoride levels 0.05–0.13 mg/kg/day when iodine intake was adequate and 0.01–0.03 mg/kg/day when iodine intake was inadequate.[14]:263 Its mechanisms and effects on the endocrine system remain unclear.[14]:266"

Compare the above to what the "recommended" level of fluoride is in drinking water. Also keep in mind that the thyroid is only one of many issues regarding fluoride in "low levels".

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
When you find a group of people who demand there should be no chlorine added to municipal drinking water without another effective disinfectant source such as O3 gas... then you have an example to cite as a discrediting act. Anti fluoride in water is not a good example to use as a tool to discredit an organization or individual.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

When you find a group of people who demand there should be no chlorine added to municipal drinking water without another effective disinfectant source such as O3 gas... then you have an example to cite as a discrediting act. Anti fluoride in water is not a good example to use as a tool to discredit an organization or individual.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

What does this have to do with the original topic ???

"Sen Ruderman, where is the proof"

Give it a rest,We are still waiting for the Senator to provide the proof to back up his so called facts !!!
Sorry Obie, Jungle Man likes to go off on tangents and I'm always fascinated to see just how anti-science he is.
When you waken to the fact that several verifiable independent short term test have been preformed that demonstrate a strong need for long term independent test as a proof that GMO cannot be currently claimed as truly safe, then you'll have your "proofs". In the interim, you're welcome to digest all the potential GMO toxins you like.
Fact is there's been ample proof that proper tests have never been preformed on GMO with regard to consumption or environmental impacts. That means you and everyone else are nothing more than subjects in an uncontrolled experiment.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Still waiting !!!

"Sen Ruderman, where is the proof"

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