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Continue pushing for answers....
Have you even considered that maybe some of the details are none of your business.
Hey KathyH, annoy_mouse et al… figure it out, be smarter then you write!

Yes you are!
Hey KathyH, annoy_mouse et al… figure it out, be smarter that you write!

Yes you are!

I feel embarrassed that I live here.
IMHO, if the Johnson family wants to look for answers, let them

If you believe the evidence presented so far, then step away from whatever forum or page they might set up.

This is becoming like the Kennedy assassination.... was someone on the grassy knoll? Even 61 yrs later it is still being debated... and both sides truly believe in their opinion because... there are inconsistencies which may have just sloppiness at the time in all the commotion... or a real cover-up of other things... and now all the players are dying or already dead... even someone one who was 20 at the time is now 81....

Before you predators step away, you should apologize to the people you falsely accused of murder. Then seek some sort of help that will have a more positive impact on your life than watching CSI.
If this crime is solved then all the evidence that has satisfied the Royals should be in the hands of the Johnson's as well. If they have not seen the 3 page letter to compare it to the writings of the son they knew, if they have not been given the same considerations after the body was found, if their phone calls have been ignored (from nearly the beginning), if lies were told to the GJ (boat), if Kalapana Ed is no where to be found, if the tissue, hair and blood found at the scene were not DNA tested for Bo as well as Brittany, if the phone records have not been released to the Johnson's, if the actual autopsy report has not been released to the Johnson's and if their questions have not been answered by the local authorities then does anyone expect them to be accepting of what the authorities say happened? This is not about anyone of "us". If the Johnson's are given all the information to digest, then perhaps they will decide that the unthinkable happened and they will feel differently. If this forum topic puts enough pressure on the local authorities to do right by the Johnson's then it is a good thing.
I'm sure all the information will eventually be made available to the Johnson family and the rest of us.

I don't fault the authorities for giving the family of the victims a little more consideration.
Originally posted by TomK

Hey KathyH, annoy_mouse et al… figure it out, be smarter that you write!

Yes you are!

I feel embarrassed that I live here.

For some, the embarrassment is a source of pride.

"This island Hawaii on this island Earth"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
I've stayed out of the previous posts all 100 pages or so out of respect.

Now that it has turned into a dog pile - I feel better about adding my conjecture.

Did anyone else notice the obvious skin / pock marks on the wanted poster? I was surprised no one jumped on that elephant in the room. A photo worth a thousand words

I've been around enough to have seen that before - its my conjecture we only saw the tip of the iceberg - time to move on
Fusce neque mi, consectetuer gravida, convallis ac, varius a, pede. Fusce pellentesque pretium quam. Ut luctus, justo id volutpat iaculis, est diam pulvinar sem, quis bibendum turpis dui eget mauris. Sed in mauris. Ut massa. Pellentesque condimentum felis nec sapien. Integer posuere elit at turpis. Nulla facilisi. Sed sapien ipsum, commodo ut, facilisis vitae, ultrices non, metus. Aenean non nulla. Curabitur molestie volutpat magna. Vestibulum tempor faucibus nisi. Pellentesque vitae enim.
Aliquam rhoncus volutpat mauris. Sed auctor. Donec tincidunt velit et tellus. Donec sed augue eget lacus placerat adipiscing. Ut convallis suscipit nulla. Morbi posuere ullamcorper ligula. Duis sit amet odio nec lorem ornare gravida. Suspendisse ante nulla, gravida quis, eleifend sit amet, placerat eget, purus. Sed egestas magna ut erat. Vivamus euismod, odio id mattis porttitor, tellus nisl consectetuer turpis, ut auctor enim justo euismod nulla. Fusce eget diam vulputate massa tempor tempor.
In ante. Phasellus convallis, nisl in vestibulum facilisis, lacus pede bibendum urna, dapibus pellentesque eros magna sed nibh. Etiam tortor arcu, porta nec, laoreet quis, mollis in, libero. Aenean dapibus est a metus. In sit amet elit. Pellentesque luctus lacus scelerisque arcu. Cras mattis diam. Sed molestie, lectus id bibendum luctus, magna orci luctus quam, et auctor urna diam sit amet ligula. Sed purus dui, suscipit et, malesuada non, consectetuer in, augue. Proin et sapien. Maecenas aliquam, nibh id aliquet tincidunt, ante neque pulvinar mauris, sit amet fermentum nibh augue mollis risus. Mauris porttitor varius mauris. Vivamus in urna et sem accumsan imperdiet. Aenean fringilla, eros tincidunt gravida elementum, justo eros pharetra felis, in rhoncus arcu lectus non enim. Phasellus odio tortor, mattis ut, mattis elementum, luctus at, orci.

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