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great whites in hawaii
Sharks urinate through their skin thus the flesh contains ammonia.

just saying shark meat can get really gross quick
You don't seem to be understanding the issue Bullwinkle. Great whites are a critically endangered species. If the rumor is true and local fishermen did catch and kill one of these majestic and beautiful creatures they need to be held accountable.

PS- they can smell your fear^^^^^
The Great white uses his sonar sense to "see", as to me, he is the "Mr. Magoo" of the sea having extremely poor vision. This also helps in the cccold, murky waters along the mainland coast. My father in law was a swimmer for the Coast Guard and his duty covered the "Great White triangle", an area from roughly Santa Cruz Ca to the Farralon Islands out West of S.F., then over to Pt Arena Lightstation North of S.F. This is supposedly one of their breeding areas and thrive off of the stuff that flows out of SF bay, and elephant seals in the Ano Nuevo area North of Santa Cruz. He swam in what most would call shark infested waters, and my wife learned to swim in Tomales Bay, right in the Northern sector of the "triangle" I, myself swam and surfed the coast, and abalone dove the Northern coastal areas of this triangle. Saw one, fortunately a kelp bed was nearby to swim into and observe as he cruised by. Adrenaline rush of fear and awe was definitely there, as well as a "wetter" feel in my wetsuit! You don' t have kelp here, so I guess I'll just have to flatten myself against a rock, or find a puka in the rocks below to hide in until he passes. Probably cruising for a bright white tourist flailing on the surface. Looks just like an elephant seal to them, their favorite food!

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
See bulwinkle, tink peed in her wetsuit right by a great white. Voiding your ridiculous theory that sharks are attracted to urine....
If great white sharks are attracted to urine from 60 miles away...almost too silly to respond to, but here goes. I've surfed about 3 times a week for 40 years. No doubt I peed every time. I've surfed on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and Hawaii. About every 10 years I'd get a glimpse of a shark. If you are scared of great white sharks do not enter the ocean. Stay on safe land.
ever been through survival school? - seen plastic bags underneath life rings and wonder what they were for - grin

in ww2 sharks in the atlantic became conditioned to home in on explosions .nver missed one by the end.........
I' m a guy, nickname here is because I'm always "tinkering" on something, usually re purposing, or just keeping stuff running. It's a real McGyverville here! Anyway, I was just being brutally honest in my feelings underwater at the time seeing such a huge, dominating creature for the first time in the element in which he/she lives, and I am definitely the "outsider", Sure they can hear your heartbeat, sure they can smell your pee. But if you blend in tight, a solid sideswipe may be coming to you, but it will more than likely help you avoid attack with its poor eyesight. It biting into a rock that you are laid flat tight to is not its goal.Then get outta the water calmly and quickly if you feel the need to. Flapping around on the surface just regains it's attention as a fish in distress, so if on a board, use it!

Are you a human being, or a human doing?
So there is a correlation between great whites & pee. It's not that pee is a precursor to attracting the sharks, it's a reaction to seeing one. Thanks for the clarification Tink!
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
My apologies Tink. For some reason I was thinking of the fairy. Sorry!


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