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To Kill Or Not To Kill ?

Yes you did. Now that's the proper way of getting rid of a noisy cock!
Enjoy life, smile, show compassion and most importantly be grateful for the things you have!
Shot or taken to the humane society - what is the difference? Dead is dead.
I get more weary of listening to my neighbor beat his kids than I do a rooster.
How is capturing a wild rooster, stuffing it into a cage and taking him to the humane society to be exterminated (grabbed by hand and injected?) causing less fear, stress and torture to it than shooting it?

Using a .22 CB long will not be like shooting into the air and may not pass through it. More than that is crazy overkill. Well, a 410 shot shell would work well, not be overkill, and be rendered safe in a fairly short distance. It would be a lot louder.

A .22 CB long is similar in noise and power to a quality pellet rifle, which would work well too, but if you already have a .22, a box of CBs is a lot cheaper than a quality pellet rifle. However, a quality pellet rifle will have more consistent accuracy than CBs which tend to have inconsistent power, which in turn, effects accuracy.

The basic point is that a quick kill is more humane than the capture, transport and kill method, but I suppose if for some unknown reason it makes your hands or conscience feel cleaner, you do what you must do for you. Just don't think you're doing it for the rooster's sake.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
shooting into trees in a residential area may not be the best plan....stray bullets and all that.

Thank you Bullwinkle.
I come from the city. The noise is endless and completely uncontrollable. You simply get used to it. Although I always knew that the 'peace and quiet of the countryside' was more spiritual than actual, and had more to do with movement and multisensual-overload than sound levels, I was still surprised at the sheer volume of noise here. I lived in a small cabin type apartment in honoka'a that appeared to have roosters living beneath the post and piller structure. They were literally 6 inches away from my head at night. Believe it or not, like the chaos of London, you do get used to it. Not only are there cockerels crowing, there will be dogs barking, sometimes incessantly, and something I never would have expected - weather !! The same cabin in honoka'a had a tin roof! The rain was so loud that you could not think, let alone sleep, watch tv, or converse In any way. It all just starts to become part of 'normal' after a while.

I get more weary of listening to my neighbor beat his kids than I do a rooster.

Domestic violence is NOT a "permitted agricultural use".
Care should always be taken but the low velocity pellets (or CBs) don't carry and I think could be equated to the danger of a thrown rock or at best a slingshot but with more close range accuracy. I'll plink with the CBs in my yard sometimes using my shed as a back stop. When spent from the distance they don't even seem to be damaging the paint on the shed, although they do leave what looks like a pencil mark. They do usually go through both sides of a beer can at close range of less than 10 or 15 yards. There's no practical accuracy past that point anyhow.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
before using weaponry - think a conversation with a rooster farmer would be of insight - there has got to be a better way than firearms ....pellet guns are cruel in my opinion as they often injure without killing

its not about killing or not killing - if one is human, its really about being humane...... or buying in Maui

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