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July 28 HPPOA board Special Meeting
@csgray..."Ours didn't have any contact information so I contacted the Board president several days ago. I have heard nothing back, did anyone else hear back?"

Aloha Carol...Just wondering if you voted in your board members election? Defining silence to - special meeting info posted on the web site - to I don't know how to contact my rep ??? Attending the meeting and meeting your rep may help...

It is none of your business how, or if, I voted. I am a property co-owner in HPP and you get one vote per lot, no matter how many people are on the title, in fact a single individual who owns 10 lots gets 10 votes.

The HPPOA Board posted on the website that people should contact their rep with questions concerning the firings, and provided emails for most of the reps. I did exactly that, sent an email with a short list of questions to the President. Our rep had no email given, and that is the only contact information given on the HPPOA website where they told us to contact our rep for answers to our questions.

So if the Board president will not answer questions from HPPOA members whose rep has no contact information, a whole district is left with no one to answer their questions. On the website it was stated that if we contact our rep, questions would be answered. The Board shouldn't say they are going to give people answers if they aren't even going to reply. Scheduling a meeting where members get 3 minutes each to speak at the beginning of the meeting, but no other chance to ask questions, or get direct answers to those questions, is not the same thing as answering questions, as they said on the website they would.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Originally posted by Obie

You guys need to read your own bylaws.I didn't see anything in there that would protect employees.

Could be they were fired because of the huge liability HPP is facing because of an illegal dump.

How about failure, as the bylaws require, to provide notice of the board meeting at which the employees were terminated?
Anyone else here in district 5? Glen?

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.

Actually I don't have any interest in your vote or no vote...point being, your rep is the go to person here... I've made it my business to introduce myself to and get contact info for my rep...I'm a home owner as well. Imagine if everyone in the park demanded the attention of the president instead of their individual rep...I suggest again, find a way to contact your rep and let the president try to work thru this situation...Big Job ahead.
You said "Just wondering if you voted in your board members election?" that is clearly expressing an interest in my vote.

You aren't getting the point here. The board and board president posted on the HPP website for anyone with questions to contact their rep, and listed email addresses for every rep but one, that rep had a line drawn through their email address. That was my rep, so I sent my email to the top person, the board president who voluntarily took that position, who posted on the website that I should direct my questions to my rep, while my rep has no way to contact them. If HPPOA board members are unwilling or unable to deal with maintaining and replying to an email address they should not have taken the position. It is not my responsibility to track them down, but the HPPOA board's responsibility to be available to their constituents, particularly when they are telling people to contact the rep for answers.

The president must have sent my email to my rep, because tonight I got an email saying that if I wanted answers to the simple questions I asked, I have to go to the meeting. This is in spite of the board telling people to contact their rep for answers to their questions. This is a continuation of the lack of transparency of the HPPOA Board on this whole matter. Don't tell people to bother to send questions to their rep if you have no intention of answering them, that is unprofessional at the least.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Frank, I agree, it is the ones who don't vote, don't attend meetings or make it a point to get to know the folks who Volunteer their time , that sit behind their computer and complain and exaggerate the situation. My guess is csgray will not attend Mondays meeting but will continue to complain about the HPP Board. I for one will attend and hear the Board out before making any judgements or share an uninformed opinion. Point being, get informed then make a judgement.....
Originally posted by Hula1

My guess is csgray will not attend Mondays meeting but will continue to complain about the HPP Board. I for one will attend and hear the Board out before making any judgements or share an uninformed opinion. Point being, get informed then make a judgement.....

I find your point, get informed then make a judgement, ironic seeing how that is the exact opposite of the courtesy you extend to csgray - someone you know absolutely nothing about, yet you assume much.

She and I must have the same board member because like csgray, using the info found on the hppoa website, I also was unable to obtain contact info for my rep. I had to go down to the office to obtain what I needed.

As long as csgray is a hpp property owner of good standing she is reasonably entitled to obtain pertinent information and have her concerns addressed - preferably without being attacked or having her reputation besmirched.

Originally posted by Hula1

get informed then make a judgement.....

Most critical point I've been informed on: some of the board members made the decision to terminate employees without calling a public noticed meeting.
Originally posted by james weatherford

Originally posted by Hula1

get informed then make a judgement.....

Most critical point I've been informed on: some of the board members made the decision to terminate employees without calling a public noticed meeting.

Like I stated before,you need to read your bylaws.They can call a board meeting without public notice if they deem it necessary.Also,personnel matters are to be handled in executive sessions and are private.You may never know why they were fired.
If these private matters were made public then the board would have a legal problem.

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