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Big Island Circus Fined $50,000 by DLNR
SPACE October Newsletter just posted: "HVC Responds to Recent Media Attention"

October 2014 Newsletter
HVC Responds to Recent Media Attention

Press Release for Immediate Release

October 1, 2014

Hawaii’s Volcano Circus maintains innocent position regarding BLNR ruling

Despite several attempts by staff and legal counsel of the Hawaii’s Volcano Circus (HVC) to clarify the organizational relationship between HVC and the Village Green Society (VGS), the state Board of Land and Natural Resources (BLNR) waged fines against both organizations on Friday. According to HVC Chairman, Graham Ellis, HVC did not erect or occupy any of the alleged structures nor is it responsible for any alleged encroachments on state land. He also clarified that all ohia used in constructing SPACE was sustainably harvested on the VGS TMK.

Interim Director, Dena Smith, reports feeling frustrated and disappointed at the vindictive efforts by several local residents that have repetitively waged complaints against SPACE over the last several years. She states that this pattern is destructive and counterproductive to building community connection and communication. Another source of frustration, according to Smith, is the information leakage to the press before either HVC or VGS received communication from the DLNR. It took nearly two months for the DLNR initial finding report to be sent to both organizations.

The mission statement of SPACE is “to creatively promote sustainable local community in Puna Makai.” This mission has been put into practice in recent weeks during the aftermath of Tropical Storm Iselle, when SPACE stepped in to offer assistance to local residents and neighbors by serving as a relief station; offering free ice, bathrooms, food & water distribution, and daily potluck dinners. Now with the lava threatening passage to lower Puna, SPACE is again seeking ways to serve the local community.

The focus for this colorful community arts center is on educational programs, particularly those for children and families. Besides being the home of the renowned HICCUP Circus, SPACE is also home to Seaview School, a satellite program of the Hawaii Academy of Arts and Sciences, which serves 30+ students. A new program is being launched this week called “Sacred SPACE,” offering gatherings on Sunday morning to various local spiritual groups.


For more information about the Seaview Performing Arts Center for Education (SPACE), please visit our Facebook page at or our website at

Dena Smith, Interim Director

Here we go again, the circus is innocent though mostly the same people are on the Boards of VGS and HVC. Both organizations are linked through VGS's purpose of giving it's proceeds to HVC. Maybe VGS could shed a light if secretary Graham ever gets around to publishing their "comment" as he announced months ago.

The new interim director Dena Smith forgot to mention that the complaints resulted from neighbors losing enjoyment of their homes through the traffic of hundreds of cars and the noise pouring out of SPACES's open pavilion into the subdivision during the twice a week performances as well as other loud events. The so called "vindictive efforts" of "several local residents that have repeatedly waged complaints against SPACE" could have been mitigated long ago if SPACE had made efforts to change the relationship into something other than confrontation. But of course that would involve a lot of work and require a flexible and understanding attitude, not a 'my way or the highway' mentality.

Funny also, most people in Seaview did not know about the free ice, water and food after the storm. There was neither anything posted on the bulletin boards nor were the usual "SPACE event" road signs set out to let people know of these generous offers. Was this outpour of 'assistance' an internal affair for fans only?
JB Water Hauling was highly visible in Seaview's Front park offering free water, food and other items (big Mahalo!)
Hopefully "community connection and communication" improves and SPACE will finally truly "serve the local community" with needed services instead of bringing hundreds of paying visitors to their shows for their own financial benefit.
the complaints resulted from neighbors losing enjoyment of their homes

So it's okay when people "lose enjoyment of their homes" due to action/inaction by the County and/or State?

Helicopters and "unmaintained private roads", for a start.
Didn't know helicopters were hovering over houses for hours at a time several times a week.
Didn't realize that "enjoyment of my home" needed to meet a minimum standard.

Originally posted by Sativa

Anxious Messiah quote:
"it is also the reason not a single elected official or even a legitimate candidate posts here any more - and I wish they would. "

The only one I have ever seen here making a statement or posting is Senator Russell Ruderman. I am sure Sen Ruderman won't be back on this forum any time soon because he knows he will have to deal with the truth of his political and personal relationship with Graham Ellis and his connection to this 501c3.

Anxious Messiah quote:
Freedom of speech...Or tacit exclusion of some of the most relevant voices in favor of the craziest?

So you believe that by marginalizing RJ and I and calling us "crazies" that that is going to make your point about Graham's innocence?

That is the kind of thinking and talk that the Nazi's used on those that didn't agree with them. Is that what this forum has become for you, call us names and make your point? That is kind of crazy in and of itself.

I have never made any point about Graham's innocence - and you know it. You Sativa, have done the greatest amount of marginalizing of and to yourself. I call it like I see it, and IMHO, your are more just a little bit spun and prone to hysterics.

Your typical MO of putting words into others mouths only to then criticize those words is no surprise. But that's who you are and can't help yourself.

And as expected, in a desperate last act, you go bottom feeding with your Reductio ad Hitlerum psychobabble - the tool of those with no real fact based argument to be made. Your purposeful lying, deceitfulness, and willfully fraudulent actions have marginalized you far beyond what anyone, myself included, could ever do.

Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.
Originally posted by kalakoa

the complaints resulted from neighbors losing enjoyment of their homes

So it's okay when people "lose enjoyment of their homes" due to action/inaction by the County and/or State?
"okay" is a vague term, but in legal terms, "loss of enjoyment" of property of one or a group of property owners due to acts of a neighbor is called "a private nuisance." Which is a civil tort.

IIRC, a "public nuisance" impacts enjoyment of property rights broadly and isn't limited to specific neighbors.

So legally, what you are comparing is apples and oranges.
Whether County decisions are right or wrong, good or bad, has absolutely no bearing on our common law system that has set forth certain duties that private individuals have towards each other. Neighbors should respect neighbors on a one to one basis, and should not burden their neighbors with a "good of the many trumps the good of the one or the few" argument.

When a project with major impact is proposed, there are typically public meetings and there is public input by those impacted before anything can go forward. Skipping that phase and just sliding in stages of becoming more and more of a nuisance to immediate neighbors is not cool.

Then to use the word "vindictive" when people fight to maintain their property rights is IMO absolutely lame.

So legally, what you are comparing is apples and oranges.

Legally, yes. Morally, no.
Originally posted by KathyH
Then to use the word "vindictive" when people fight to maintain their property rights is IMO absolutely lame.


Cleary you know nothing about the situation, you know nothing about the benefits to the Puna Community that S.P.A.C.E. has brought over the years and most importantly, you know nothing about RJ and her consistently stoned side kick Sativa.

Clearly Discuss Truth what you need to know is that the Truth is a Dangerous Explosive. Go ask Mrs. Hunt (if you know her) to have a party for Graham Ellis out of her campaign funds since Graham put her signs all over his 501c3 property and attended her 'Roast' to make fun of the DLNR.

The more they whine the higher the fine!

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