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Big Island Circus Fined $50,000 by DLNR
quikdraw quote:"the truth is,you can't handle the truth...would it change your sense of what is real if you knew the real truth of this matter? Who want's to know the truth? This D.L.N.R. fine is only the tip of the iceberg as the saying goes...What Graham and his cohorts in crime have done to manipulate the Seaview subdivision as well as the county and state governments has a long sordid history...Who want's to handle the hot potato now? Who wants to know the truth of this matter really? I know who cut those tree's off of state land and built the space with them,who else want's to know the truth.? It would be a great thing if Graham could find the focus to go forward with the children's education program's without trying to scam his neighbor's and local government's along the way..and it would be even greater if he could own up to his past manipulations, and put it behind his ass and show us all some words with integrity,that we can trust and believe in..."

Good Morning Everybody,

I am kind of busy this morning but I have had a chance to sit down. Boy what a Gem I found.

Quikdraw, I am sitting on the edge of my seat. I can die happy now if only you would say who cut those trees! We all want to know. Please don't just threaten us with the truth EXPOSE IT/EXPRESS IT! We can take it.

Quikdraw, it's like 11:59, one minute to high noon, and you are like Gary Cooper, peeking around the corner, ready to protect the town and take out the bad guys. GOD BLESS YOU and know that I MAHALO you but PLEASE who cut them trees?

Just as Madame Pele is coming we may experience UNITY thru COMMUNITY which we haven't done in a long time.
we may experience UNITY thru COMMUNITY

"community" is subjective; some feel that your definition is destructive.

That said, as long as the fight stays down on the Red Road, I'm not sure I care.
Sativa cut down the trees! Wink


(sorry Rob)
That's right kalakoa STAY OUT of our BADLANDS! We are cleaning house at least some of us are trying to clean house and wake others up to the reality. Here is a question. What does VGS, HVC, BA, S.P.A.C.E.,Hiccup circus and HSCA have in common?
Chew on that for awhile till Quikdraw gets back.

How nice of you to "foster a sense of community"!

Do your BAD LANDS extend to Uncle Robert's?

What does VGS, HVC, BA, S.P.A.C.E.,Hiccup circus and HSCA have in common?

They all stepped up to fill the void left by County's refusal to provide proper services?
If I read you correctly, we're not watching Gary Cooper in "High Noon."
We're actually watching Sean Connery in "The Rock," as an MI6 agent who was framed and sent away to Alcatraz without a trial.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
For those of you who want to look into the matter, here is a link to the May 3 2012 Transcript of the Circus, held in front of the Planning Commission.
It was a hearing, it was a place where people were suppose to tell the TRUTH. Here is where the whole story is told, pay attention to the exhibits, all of it is a matter of public record. Educate yourself.

That day was a trip, it was a circus, and in the end Zendo gave a speech and the Commission gave Hawaii's Volcano Circus 6 months to get it all together.

And instead of doing that, Graham got busy working on the Sustainability Research bill, that ended in Ruderman the Rookie, being set up to do what no self respecting politician would do, that is, introduce SB2274 for his cronie, Graham Ellis, and exempt all the other islands except Maui so nobody would give a damn.

What made in worst is Ruderman admits that he did not even fully understand the piece of legislation when he ran it up for Graham.

I've observed over the years that true fanatics, whether they be political, religious, social, or whatever..... are pretty much without humor. I'm not saying they don't laugh; but they don't experience joy or happiness like most people. When they laugh, it's frequently and gleefully at the misfortune or problems of someone else. A rival or opponent, and their laugh most likely stems from envy.

If they can somehow be the cause of those problems, all the merrier; no matter how much it hurts the community. RJ, Sativa and their small band of followers are fanatics.

I don't have the time or the room to list all of Graham's accomplishments and contributions here. Generally, they have been through children's programs, education, creating community space where a void has existed, youth drug awareness programs, etc. It doesn't take a genius to realize the time and energy involved in creating all this.

I do have space to list the accomplishments of RJ and Sativa, but other than the vaccine fiasco, I really can't think of any.

I'd like to see the people who support Graham line up and be counted. There would be literally hundreds of kids, parents, educators, administrators, politicians; people from all walks of life and all areas of this Island. People who appreciate his work and that have benefited from it.

Then I'd like to see Sativa and RJ line up their supporters; There would probably be about 84 marginalized, dried up, envious, toothless, humorless, unwashed Puna Taliban; gleefully celebrating the fact that they did something; no matter how destructive or sad. Their motto must be; "Well, if you can't do something good, do something!"

Sometimes it's sad, but one of the things I love about this country is the fact that a minority of people can bring about change. Sometimes it's for the benefit of others , sometimes to satisfy a vengeance.

Let's see- someone who has apparently done many good things for the community versus someone who revels in self righteous vicious glee at destroying others who don't agree with them. No contest there.

life is short. enjoy it
life is short. enjoy it
To weigh in on this.
RE: RJ-What I know of the woman that during a candidate forum, when the topic came up about the Hilo incinerator RJ said, and I quote verbatim, "Incinerators haven't been a good idea since Auschwitz." So what I make up about a person who speaks in this way is a) either they are antisemitic or b)they are oblivious to what they are saying denoting a lack of mindfulness and consciousness.
(again, this is what I make up)
RE: Graham. I was a founding member of Village Green Society shoulder to shoulder with Graham in 1986/7 I broke my back and my bank account helping get that community started. I was thrown out and my house torn done after six years. Why? Because I saw an oligarchy in place and advocated for a communication model/template that would level the playing field for all the members so we all had an equal voice. Know this: "The power base will always resist a level playing field and scapegoat anybody who stands in the way of the power structure."
This was never a community, it has always been a club. The former being inclusive the latter exclusive. ' This event and the events that have been accumulating over the years are now coming home to roost. Nobody can out run their karma.
There were many ohia's that were knocked down when the original bulldozing happened, (which took place when all the members were gone and Graham did it himself with no community input) so unless somebody is looking for the stumps of ohia's on state land, it would be a hard guess to say they didn't come down from the clearing.
Graham and RJ clearly have their own karmic dance. "May all the rocks in her head fill up all the holes in his."


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