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What will you do if/when Ebola gets here?
Another nurse from the hospital in Dallas has been diagnosed with Ebola as well. The biggest issue with this latest case is that the nurse just recently traveled (Tuesday)via Frontier Airlines from Cleveland, Ohio back to Texas and had 132 passengers.
It would appear that some would still like to ignore the wild cards that are always present in a society of 7.25 billion people. A society where a microbe doesn't adhere to your preconceived perfect world models. We call this place outside the laboratory and checklists, reality. Here any number of unknowns may emerge at any given moment and expose a whole new set of interactions not yet considered or safeguarded against. The devils in the details.
a no-freakout, non-hysteria, conspiracy obsessive-free explanation of how the nurses in Dallas may have contracted the virus while caring for Duncan may be found in recent reports of the claim by the nurses that they were woefully unprepared and without proper equipment and support.

...unless we are to believe the CDC is really a PSYOP branch of the U.N. one-world shadow government with President Obama at the helm exhibiting mind control over media. we need to be fair and balanced and consider both scenarios equally, after all.
Well Jungle Man, let's see a year from now how your predictions of half the population dying pan out.
Then we'll see who is being realistic and who believes in fairy tales.
My favorite troll, Paul. I never made a prediction. You seem to have great difficulty in ascertaining the difference between predictions and a statistical analysis
You're the only one who has made predictions. We'll all see how your predictions pan out. So far, your predictions are failing.
"unless we are to believe the CDC is really a PSYOP branch of the U.N. one-world shadow government with President Obama at the helm exhibiting mind control over media. we need to be fair and balanced and consider both scenarios equally, after all. "

Or, we look at the science that existed before this current outbreak which suggested that it CAN spread without direct contact with bodily fluids, or acknowledge that health care workers continue to get infected (not just at this one hospital) even though they are wearing those medical "space suits" that get saturated with disinfectants before they are allowed to take them off.
For those who are still under the assumption that Ebola could be handled by our regular medical facilities and everyday procedural methods. That is a false assumption. Thus far the CDC has recognized a need for single designated hospital's to handle Ebola victims.

If you would like to know how badly Ebola could be spread via common hospital practices, you need look no further than MRSA.

Unfortunately the CDC had failed to address a very real issue that has plagued other hospital's in West Africa. After some West African hospitals were forced to close, they recognized a need to set up Ebola treatment only facilities but are still challenged with screening out Ebola victims from regular hospitals. This could become a similar problem in the U.S. When people feel I'll they don't know what they have and cannot determine whether or not they should visit an Ebola facility or regular hospital.

The fact the CDC dropped the ball on making sure all necessary protocol were practiced at the Dallas facility is not reassuring. This was claimed by some here as not going to happen in the U.S. WRONG. It has now happened. Thus far the west African stats are worse than the U.S. stats and I will consider that a good sign. But we're not out of the woods yet. We need to further tighten our grip on this virus.

This is not as simple as ABC and the United States is not immune from such virus. Therefore it's of the utmost importance that all possible measures should be considered and those appropriate adopted to contain this virus now. That means here in the USA and abroad. Restrictions in travel, west African containment and also containment here accompanied by tightening our southern border with Mexico.

We cannot afford an infected person milling about here without immediate medical treatment, if that happens we may very well have a big problem.

I am not freaking out but I am concerned by the present situation and hope that no more knuckle headed underestimating occurs. We have the means to contain this virus, there is no doubt in my mind about that. My only concern is how much complacency will be adopted.
As a note, this topic started a bit under two weeks ago.
At that point there was high confidence that Ebola was only a crisis in Africa due to third world conditions, and here it would go nowhere. There were statements that air travelers had nothing to worry about, even those flying with people coming directly from affected nations in West Africa.

Now we not only have two people who have contracted it within out borders, but some 130 passengers of a domestic flight from Ohio to Dallas are being contacted by the CDC, and the stock market is falling due to low confidence in safe air trouble, which should remind us that economic fallout can be serious as well. Our national economy is very fragile, and our state economy depends on people getting on planes this winter to come here.

Also in under two weeks we have gone from news stories on our fantastic ability to cope to nurses coming out and saying our facilities are inadequate, our supplies of hazmat stuff is not good except in a few places, and the training around the country is fairly poor and the Dallas hospital is more the rule in that than the exception.

I am not going to panic, but it is only rational to see the situation has quickly evolved into circumstances that, if anyone had predicted them two months ago would have been met with much derision. I'm certainly hoping for the best, but at least the president and CDC are not in so much denial now.

Not only that but you could get sick from someone who flew on the plane before you.....
I just read that they destroyed all of the nurse's clothes and furniture in their apartments. Unreal. They must not even know how long the virus lives on surfaces. Otherwise the apt's could just be left vacant for a period of time.

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