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What will you do if/when Ebola gets here?
True, there are some funny lists of auto correct bloopers.
Thanks Wao for explaining.
I'm an excellent speller and it's annoying to be judged as a bad speller when it's the thumbs that missed the exact spot on the iPhone.
My kids can't spell very well at all, but my son has an IQ of 165 so he was given a lot if mental gifts in trade for the gift of spelling and punctuation ability. We all have our talents in life.

I spent years grading college English essays at Cal, and I am very glad not to be circling and underlining errors any more. Punaweb style is fine with me warts and all. About all I ask for is hit the Enter key and make white space periodically.

NYC RN sister in law today more pissed of with people slacking on vaccinations than you know what.

just sayin'
That was a pain in the butt to write that Kathy. I also see mistakes in what it spit out but it's not worth the hassle to correct them. Lol Wink Every time I see someone bitch about spelling these days, I figure that's another person well behind the times.

Hopefully they will bridge the gap in these devices in the future. They are annoying as hell to use when writing something. I think it will take far more intuitive programs to solve the problems that exist with them today. I really dislike not being able to proof in real time effectively. Too many things occurring simultaneously and at times maddening.
Spelling ... The point is ... Do you let it go or not ?

It's a choice and THAT is how you may be judged.


edit for lol '
Someones judgment exposed their ignorance not only on the matter of spelling on the net but also in their lack of knowledge in present day computer devices. It's not prudent to quibble over its spelling unless it's a classroom or professionally published material. We'll weather ignorance whether it's by judgment or not but I'll not be made ill appeared by another's ignorance. Judge not, less ye be judged. We're where we were and they're not there now, we'll now not hear their thoughts here today.

When I decide to professionally publish something... I'll send a copy to paulw. Until then, he can shruggle wit me rankles spelling errs and luv em or stop reading them. Kisses paul.


"A major outbreak of Ebola in the US and elsewhere in the West is unlikely given the strong health systems, the World Health Organization (WHO) says."

Fox News' Shepard Smith railed against the media's Ebola hysteria on Wednesday.

"You should have no concerns about Ebola at all. None. I promise," stated Smith. He went on to tell viewers, "Do not listen to the hysterical voices on the radio and the television or read the fear-provoking words online. The people who say and write hysterical things are being very irresponsible."
"a person who has obviously had little to no experience with touchscreen devices"
I read that on my touchscreen device, which I have used every day for years.
But don't give up on those psychic powers. You just have to Believe!

Autocorrect's purpose is to make the uneducated appear educated and vice versa.
This is why I advise some people to turn it off.

Great headline: "Ebola fears spread faster than the virus".
Paul, did you seriously quote FOX NEWS complaining about hysteria and being irresponsible? Oh, the irony. Thanks for the entertainment.

No, I quoted the Huffington Post quoting Fox News. Even the extreme right isn't as hysterical as some.
Amazing that people are spending time and energy on this.
Your risk of being killed in traffic today is a million times your risk from ebola.
Likewise, you're much more likely ( at least a thousand times more) to die in a storm made more severe by global warming. Are you doing anything about that? Hysteria and fear are intentional distractions generated by Faux News et. al. because fear sells and real issues require sense and action. Wake up.

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