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Big Island Circus Fined $50,000 by DLNR
I can name many good deeds and accomplishments by Graham.

I can name lots of good deeds and accmplishments by Russell.

I can name lots of good deeds and accomplishments by Tiffany.

I can't recall any good deeds by Sativa, but I'm certainly aware of her penchant to inhibit the good work of others.
Originally posted by snorkle

I can name many good deeds and accomplishments by Graham.

I can name lots of good deeds and accmplishments by Russell.

I can name lots of good deeds and accomplishments by Tiffany.

I can't recall any good deeds by Sativa, but I'm certainly aware of her penchant to inhibit the good work of others.

yeah, but the question is how this deal with taking food bank supplies and not sharing is a good deed? Can you explain?

Why are you bringing Tiffany into this topic, snorkle?
Wasn't that you complaining yesterday that Tiffany gets brought into unrelated topics, and now today it is you doing it?

I can't recall any good deeds by Sativa

It's entirely possible that these investigations and complaints will result in a curtailing of waste, fraud, and abuse; if this eventually results in a lower tax burden on the public, it could easily be seen as a "good thing", and one which cannot easily be disputed if an accurate accounting can be made of that savings.

snorkle quote:"I can't recall any good deeds by Sativa, but I'm certainly aware of her penchant to inhibit the good work of others."

Let snorkle trash my name. Let snorkle trash RJ's name. We are OK with this because we know what we have done in this community.

And still I am going to ask you....How do you ,snorkle, justify and rationalize, absconding with other peoples food?

if we need a criminal complaint before we can know how to think about right and wrong in the world, hmm

I'm not passing judgement until I see some real facts.

Thus far, all we have are allegations by "Sativa" which are backed up by "some phone calls" and "a post someone else made".

Everyone is "shocked" by the activities as related ... in this forum post.

Meanwhile, it's apparently totally okay for County to take out a $56M bond to build a park, redirect the equipment after that project is put on indefinite hold due to the lava flow, then authorize an additional $20M bond to cover the work currently being performed by that equipment. I'm sure all the processes were followed such that no "fraud" actually took place, but it does seem a bit "wasteful" and "abusive", especially when this public debt is being used to build roads which are illegal under County Code.
Meanwhile, it's apparently totally okay for County to take out a $56M bond to build a park, redirect the equipment after that project is put on indefinite hold due to the lava flow, then authorize an additional $20M bond to cover the work currently being performed by that equipment. I'm sure all the processes were followed such that no "fraud" actually took place, but it does seem a bit "wasteful" and "abusive", especially when this public debt is being used to build roads which are illegal under County Code.
All of which belongs in its own topic, kalakoa. If you want to discuss that, start a topic and stop hijacking this one. This topic is about VGS and HVC and Graham Ellis.


This guy's not trashing your name, he's just bellyaching because you've mucked up his buddy's hustle (Drat foiled again!!). And frankly, I'm amused that he's dragged Tiffany and Russell into the scandal. Can this be some sort of Freudian tipoff ? Now, I can't help but wonder what might be in her garage, after all she has publicly condoned other criminal activity. And one more thing. Any idea how much of Senator Ruderman's net income is derived from EBT transactions? Just wondering.
Un Mojado Sin Licencia
This topic is about VGS and HVC and Graham Ellis.

Topic claims to be about a DLNR fine; aren't "food theft" and the "missing EBT machine" also hijacking this thread?

Whatever happened to the DLNR investigation? Long silence while the lawyers argue fine points in a closed-door session?
It's funny how some people take sativa's word as unbiased and gospel. I'd prefer to hear the more rational explanation before making a judgement.

As far as bringing Tiffany into it (don't forget Russell too); Anything coming from Sativa's mouth or keyboard is going to be motivated by her one obsession; Her jealously discrediting the works of Graham, Russell, or Tiffany. Collectively, her obsession negates any credibility she has because it indicates an unhealthy mental state. Rather than trying to achieve something on her own; which can be difficult and problematic; she chooses the easier route of picking away at the attempts of three specific community leaders.

More simply put; I don't believe you Sativa, but Kathy does.

snorkle quote:"It's funny how some people take sativa's word as unbiased and gospel. I'd prefer to hear the more rational explanation."

snorkle, before making a judgement, retrace our steps and you will find out the same things we did. Let the facts speak for themselves.

Don't tempt me, snorkle, or I may go all the way to the Feds because that is where the donations originally came from.

Mahalo, Dena, for giving us a heads up as to what you ALL are up to again.

And, snorkle,I don't know why you always have to make it about RJ and I? The reason we are able to go as far as we go is because we try to be like Joe Friday in Dragnet..."Just the facts ma'am. Just the facts."

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