Originally posted by damien007
If anything, let the investigation run it course, foolish people only speculate and waste their energy on the unknown, especially when it is out of there hands and not in their control! No need to show your hand, and place the blame on others if it is not resolved as you expect it to be!
exactly, it will run its course. As I said, I had an update and I posted it. Most of the people responding are totally pro Tiffany no matter what, so I am not in any way trying to convince any of them or prove that my information is good. I don't care what they think.
I posted info for other people, and I well understand that the Tiffany cheer squad needed to make a lot of posts and obfuscate everything as usual.
But you are wrong that I have set expectations of the outcome. As I said in my last post, I'm well aware that the outcome may not be what I think should happen. That's the legal system and chicken counting before hatching is not called for.
Again, all I said was the investigation is proceeding and as of last week she had not given a statement. All these posts are trying to make it so complicated, but it's not. They are the ones doing the speculation and trying to make sense of it.
I am not saying anything that Tiffany does not know. Obviously she knows whether she has made a statement. She knows no one has called and said the complaint has been dismissed, so she knows that it continues.
For my part, I'm amazed that the small phrase "heard from a friend of a non-friend" could generate so many verbal convolutions, but it's nice you guys got so much entertainment out of my manini playful choice of words.