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No kidding, eh? Trying to think of a "raid" joke in response to all the Cockroachin' goin' on in your neck o' the woods. Again; best of luck.
We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
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Just drove from my driveway in Vacationland to highway 130 and Maku'u via the beach road.It took 43 minutes.The return trip via 130/132/137 took 21 minutes.
There are places that are impossible for 2 cars to pass each other and no pull offs.There are also some mud holes that are deep enough that my jeep would have rolled over had I hit them with one set of wheels.
It will probably be safer and quicker to drive to Pahoa and walk barefoot across the lava flow !!
Edit to name the correct street .
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There's no way that road is going to handle two-way traffic for thousands of commuters. It will be gridlocked with people pulled over to the side of the road letting each other through while waving shakas (or middle fingers) at each other.
It took Obie 43 minutes to commute from Kapoho to the top of Macuu without any traffic. It's a one-lane road right now, how's that going to work? There's going to be large trucks bringing in food and gas and possibly water. Have they widened it all they're going to widen it? Pau?
It looks more like a one-way, emergency evacuation only route to me.
Waa Waa is beautiful, one of the most beautiful places in Hawaii. Hopefully the commuters won't be throwing their trash out their car windows like they do everywhere else around here.
For anyone that doesn't have a photo of Govt. Beach Rd. at Waa Waa before the emergency declaration, you're welcome to download one of mine here:
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Is there any reason why they can't widen the road so cars can pass? Maybe we can have some officials drive the road in opposite directions and try to pass each other in a normal car.
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Originally posted by SBH
There's no way that road is going to handle two-way traffic for thousands of commuters. It will be gridlocked with people pulled over to the side of the road letting each other through while waving shakas (or middle fingers) at each other.
It took Obie 43 minutes to commute from Kapoho to the top of Macuu without any traffic. It's a one-lane road right now, how's that going to work? There's going to be large trucks bringing in food and gas and possibly water. Have they widened it all they're going to widen it? Pau?
It looks more like a one-way, emergency evacuation only route to me.
Waa Waa is beautiful, one of the most beautiful places in Hawaii. Hopefully the commuters won't be throwing their trash out their car windows like they do everywhere else around here.
For anyone that doesn't have a photo of Govt. Beach Rd. at Waa Waa before the emergency declaration, you're welcome to download one of mine here:
Quite a few of us down here are discussing how the Beach Rd. would handle the traffic without a two lane width along most of the corridor. Between 4 corners and Kahakai, the worst stretch in terms of width is through the Mango Grove.
We already get broken televisions, computers, appliances, old tires, and various car parts strewn along the road in addition to bags of garbage.
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Maybe they can't justify spending the money to make it a two lane road since it may only be used for a few weeks.
Chain of Craters Rd is where they need to spend the money, with paving. That's the route that could be serving lower Puna for years to come, but hopefully not.
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Originally posted by SBH
Maybe they can't justify spending the money to make it a two lane road since it may only be used for a few weeks.
Chain of Craters Rd is where they need to spend the money, with paving. That's the route that could be serving lower Puna for years to come, but hopefully not.
My 'pie in the sky' hope would be for the funds to be used on both Beach and Chain of Craters. Not holding my breath of that, though.
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The Govt Beach Road between Kahakai and 4 corners should not see any great increase in traffic even if this current flow crosses Railroad as predicted. Going toward Hilo, it will be far faster for all Punaloa residents (except for Kapoho folks) to drive through Nanavale to Railroad to Kahakai to Beach and Macuu, rather than drive through the Mango Grove and Waa Waa toward Kahakai. Only if lava cuts Kahakai makai of Railroad, which is not expected with this flow, would the Mango Grove / Waa Waa segment of the road face serious new traffic.
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It's a one-lane road right now, how's that going to work?
It looks like they're not planning on two-way traffic at all, maybe just military traffic for the FEMA camps? [

Just kidding!
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Originally posted by KUIU
The Govt Beach Road between Kahakai and 4 corners should not see any great increase in traffic even if this current flow crosses Railroad as predicted. Going toward Hilo, it will be far faster for all Punaloa residents (except for Kapoho folks) to drive through Nanavale to Railroad to Kahakai to Beach and Macuu, rather than drive through the Mango Grove and Waa Waa toward Kahakai. Only if lava cuts Kahakai makai of Railroad, which is not expected with this flow, would the Mango Grove / Waa Waa segment of the road face serious new traffic.
Time will tell, KUIU