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TMT groundbreaking - live
Newfound skills? My mind is blown just about every time I'm on here on how out of touch outsiders are with our moku but yet they act like they know more than the people who have the koko, the people who have lived here their whole lives!

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
This is a comment from Facebook on TMT which really applies to this post.... And there is many, many more similar comments.

No it's not worth it. Let's keep Hawaii Hawaiian. And if necessary, let's keep outsiders...outside the lands before they destroy everything here.
I'm just sad at the comments and posts from foreigners-They have no respect for the people here and what they believe-They are really stock at "Hawaii. Is only a State of the USA"-I know none of what these haoles say matters, but still..very sad and disappointed. They come to Hawaii on vacation, say a couple of "Aloha"-1000s of pictures, but NO respect whatsoever for the people or the culture or what we all believe in.
Have you seen who populates Hawaii now? Americans and foreigners who have no idea what Hawaii truly is and do not give a damn! They got million $ houses, close gates and flags of THEIR own places raising up here. This is wrong! If H1highway is so ****ed up it's mainly because of all of these new people living here with no Aloha-They come, they take and they spit at our faces.
As people, what should we all do about it and protect Hawaii??? Nothing else than crying, praying and get arrested for protected our own lands against exploitation.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
let's keep outsiders...outside the lands before they destroy everything here.

Great idea. I'll need a bailout and relocation assistance. Hopefully the locals can remember how to run a society without money, because the "outsiders" will be taking that with them when they leave.
Let's keep Hawaii Hawaiian. And if necessary, let's keep outsiders...outside the lands before they destroy everything here.

Southernmost -
Would you consider the cane industry in Ka'u a negative impact on the district? My understanding is many Ka'u residents were upset when they closed down and left the area without jobs. What about Ka'u Oranges? They closed down. Or the coffee farms that can't stay in business due to theft?

What would you consider a good business for Ka'u area?
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
You take care the aina, the aina take care you.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Originally posted by Southernmost

You take care the aina, the aina take care you.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island

Hui...come mauka center your na'au, Southernmost. We going Thursday.

A'ole pilikia. Kapu aloha is the goal in malama aina. There is a video of Pua Case explaining our job is not to stop the machines, or TMT. Our job is to stand as our kupuna did, with dignity in our message. She explains Mauna a Wakea will take care of herself. Always has and always will. Mahalo ke Akua.

This is kapu aloha. Time to be "ha'ahe'o" indeed, with grace and true aloha.



P.S. Your verve and conviction reminds me of my cousin who arrested our nephew last week (DLNR officer). He is standing down from orders to arrest people on Mauna Kea effective today.
Note: that comment wasn't from myself, but I wouldn't disagree much.

Actually the cane workers were offered a pay cut but refused it and that's what caused the sugar plant closed down. I had many friends, classmates and ohana that worked there. I even planted seed while I was in high school during the some of the last harvests (94,95).

In Ka'u a high percentage of locals get their food from the ocean and the forest. Also backyard gardens. You have to live a sustainable lifestyle. But people need jobs as well. I see ag being the way with large organic farms. The Organic market is huge and there is massive amounts of rich soil in areas like Wailau.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Aloha opihikao and aloha to ohana,

Yes breathe. Lol. I'm going up tomorrow and I know it will steady myself.
The Mauna will take care as so will we. Mahalo for your mana'o as always. Smile

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
I feel that your cousin is doing what is pono and following what he feels within.
Good for him. Much respect. Jmo

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Okay enough about Ka'u (where most people commute hours for work) and back to the mountain - what is the long term proposal for all stake holders? How will we share the mountain? If we start letting Hawaiians block construction because the land is sacred, then nothing will ever be built because, correct me if I am wrong, isn't all the Aina sacred? So is the planning department the next target? No more building permits? Where does it end?

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