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TMT groundbreaking - live
"Start letting Hawaiians block construction". Again you show how little you know about where you live. Do you even know how much development has been redirected/stopped especially on this island?

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
how much development has been redirected/stopped

Didn't realize the County was all Native Hawaiians working to protect the aina.
Lavalava, why does all the aina being sacred freak you out so much? Where I grew up, KA'U that's what we were taught from small kid time.

And no, most people don't commute, most people are unemployed, retired or work in Ka'u. (County, State, schools, etc). Some commute, I was one of them. Used to drive 120 miles round trip. Eventually those people move to where they work like myself and many of my friends/school mates have.

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
I don't agree with any of the racist messages, but I would like to see the big island stay this unique mix of country and technology, live and let live. I think the volcano makes that possible, but we also need to teach more people to live self-sufficiently, appreciate the land, and only elect government that will protect the lifestyles possible here.

Why not modify the zoning and building codes to protect the land and prohibit mainlandification of the island? Let people live in traditional hale's or modest family built homes, prohibit mcmansions and unaffordable housing. Modify tax law to give huge incentives to farming and living with the land, and huge penalties to damaging it. Limit the amount of land any one entity can own, to keep people from buying up or hogging large swaths of land.

The racism is disgusting,

If I were to spew drivel about Hawaiians or any other race of 'color' I'm sure Rob would be all over te censor button.

I feel like this forum shouldn't become an avenue for people to spout hatred because of the color of someone's skin.

I know Rob can't play hall monitor on every post all the time so maybe some of you can step back and censor yourselves before you end the discussion for all of us.

If your key point on blocking the TMT is based off race / skin color then you've already lost. I suggest constructively you refocus your protest of you want to even be taken seriously.

Aloha mai kakou
What matters is not the color of skin(like I've said numerous times on here but no one reads I guess.) I have ohana of all races, my wife is Hawaiian/Puerto Rican/Cherokee/Portuguese /English. I have German, Dutch and Scotch in my blood. Enough with the racism already. It's the attitude that we are totally not used to.That is what we don't like. Not all have it, but some do as shown on PW by the same names. jmo

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Just putting in my 2 cents here. I am "for" the new telescope going ahead as planned. They have the legal right to proceed unhindered!
Originally posted by Southernmost
A non Hawaiian telling Hawaiians what they should do.
What matters is not the color of skin(like I've said numerous times on here but no one reads I guess.) I have ohana of all races, my wife is Hawaiian/Puerto Rican/Cherokee/Portuguese/English

How is your use of the word Hawaiian here not based on race and only about attitude?
A non-catholic shouldn't tell Catholics how to conduct their religion
A non-Protestant shouldn't tell Protestants
A non-Muslim shouldn't tell Muslims
A non Hawaiian shouldn't tell Hawaiians

If you have an attitude it don't matter! Because your mouth is always open and not your ears...

Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
Born&Raised Hawai'i Island
I'll try this again Southernmost - define Hawaiian please.

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