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TMT groundbreaking - live
Along the lines of Chunkster

Aren't all those new homes on Hawaiian homeland built using counterfeit and substandard steel from China about to fall down?

Even after I showed homeowners during construction that every single metal stud that was used to make the walls of their home was stamped with identical serial numbers none showed any interest.

Instead Hawaiians tend to be fixated upon mysterious sacred sites that could have existed.

Whereas they blithely ignore the rust stains that should by now start appearing through the sheet rock.

So if you happen to be Native Hawaiian and live in one of these several hundred homes in Hawaii County, by all means teach your children that their own home and safety is secondary to ancient gods.

Former Puna Beach Resident
Now sailing in SE Asia
HOT BuOYS Sailing
Originally posted by Chunkster
May I respectfully suggest a few things

1. Demand meaningful reform of the OHA/DHHL so that people don't die of old age waiting for a land allotment

2. Insist that the lackluster Hawaii public education system do a better job preparing all Hawaii's children

I think these are excellent suggestions.
If the protesters manage to stop the TMT, what will they get? A feeling of victory that will last a few weeks, then fade like last year's Super Bowl winner.

OHA is managing land for the Hawaiian people. If the protesters work to get that land released they'll have a home or a homestead.

Kamehameha schools (Bishop Estate) is one of the largest non-profits in the US. Work with them to fund a series of Hawaiian charter schools in every town across the state.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Under Deism there is zero tolerance to sacred books, mysterious that only a priest can interpret

Explains the Building and Planning departments...
Here's an idea - instead of making up stuff and believing the worst, actually listen to what the Aloha Aina movement is saying.

If you have questions or disagree, great - that's what discussions are for. But to speculate, straw man, or vilify someone's views is not honest, fair, or productive.
Ironyak posts big island video news with a caution...


um, huh Kirt? Sorry, not following.

ETA: Ok then, thanks for playing another round of "Know what I mean? Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more."

Join us next time when we'll require the use of Morse code to futher obfuscate the message!
.-- - ..-.
Definitely big news even here where I live...a lot of frustration with the protesters always shows up in discussions. Everyone is in favor of the cool telescope Smile

Pam in CA
Pam in CA
Originally posted by lavalava

Originally posted by Kalena

To me, the events on Mauna Kea are an expression of the conflict between the indigenous peoples (and their supporters) and the industrialized powers of the world. This conflict has been going on for several centuries and has almost played out. The indigenous peoples of the world were hunters, fisherfolk, gatherers and farmers, but most of them have lost so much of their land that they are now a part of a more powerful dominant culture. The world view of most native peoples is one in which the cosmos is viewed as sacred and the responisbility of humans is to sustain it by maintaining balance or equilibrium. That's a world view very different from industrialized cultures.

With industrialization, the environment has become external, to be understood and ultimately used in service of human needs. If the view of native peoples is one of the environment as a web, the industrialized view is more of a pyramid with humans at the apex. Other forms of life serve human needs.

I am not against knowledge. But I find myself wondering at this time whether the view that science trumps all is really serving our planet. Our planet is faltering under our endeavors. Our children and grandchildren are facing a perilous future. Perhaps viewing the cosmos as sacred is not so far off the mark. I believe that's why the protesters are gaining so much support.

So is it then safe to assume that you dont take part in todays modern world? No cars no phones no refridgerators?
Do you live off the land? You obviously use a computer but are anti industrialization. Sounds pretty hypocritical if you ask me. People like you who wax poetic about the old loin cloth days whilst reaping all the benefits of our modern society are a joke. What a maroon!

You nailed it perfectly. Bulldoze the Luddites out of the way and keep the human experience moving FORWARD.

Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!
Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!
Originally posted by OnoOno
Bulldoze the Luddites out of the way and keep the human experience moving FORWARD.

Rule: Don't feed the trolls
Quandary: What happens when they start feeding each other?

Sorry to nitpick but it's spelled with an e - humane experience, right?
What happens when they (the trolls) start feeding each other?

Mutually assured cannibalism
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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