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TMT groundbreaking - live
Originally posted by snorkle (42page 7.5 meg pdf by Michael Chauvin)

Thanks for the article snorkle - is a very complete and compelling account of Hawaii's role in the 1874 Transit of Venus efforts.

Lots of notable parallels to today - Cook's motivations, the Merrie Monarch, gratis land, public access to the observatories, and of course the cross-cultural misunderstandings. Does lend some doubt to the notion of progress since then.

"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme."
Progress IS critical and TRUMPS all!!!!

So ... no progress in Puna? Progress can't trump Puna NIMBYs? Progress not critical for Puna? What am I missing?
Originally posted by snorkle (42page 7.5 meg pdf by Michael Chauvin)

Yes, good article.
I liked the picture of the Transit of Venus Party, page 194.
I'd like to see a group like that find a bass player, drummer, etc and hit the stage at the Akebono Theater:

Red lights, green lights, strawberry wine
A good friend of mine, follow the stars
Venus and Mars
Are alright tonight

"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by OnoOno

Originally posted by OnoOno

Originally posted by Punatic007

Not all progress should get a greenlight without question, however this group of protesters has chosen a highly inappropriate cause, given the last king of Hawaii felt strongly about furthering astronomy here. It's a little disconcerting just how ignorant these people are. Why don't they all move to Niihau? Or stop with the out of control racism, entitlement prejudices and wasting time of the productive members of society.

We are in concurrence.

It is interesting to note that you have correctly observed that "protesters" have chosen an inappropriate "cause". It expresses correctly the fact that there are always people looking to throw wrenches in the working of progress, and adopt "causes" or "issues" as mere pretense to engage in that activity. Their true "cause" is the opposition of progress (I refer to them as "Luddites" knowing that term isn't completely appropriate).

Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!

Ono - So Fast - So Tasty! (I intended to edit my earlier post, not to create a reply thereto. My "bad".

Their true cause is money; nothing more, nothing less. In one of the you tube videos, the gentleman in the suit can be heard saying, "One trillion dollars in damage. You owe us money." The amount has gone up substantially since the groundbreaking when it was only 30 million they wanted.

RB Byrd
Flower Mound, TX
RB Byrd
Flower Mound, TX
Originally posted by OnoOno
We are in concurrence.

We are punaweb.

Their true cause is money; nothing more, nothing less. In one of the you tube videos, the gentleman in the suit can be heard saying, "One trillion dollars in damage. You owe us money." The amount has gone up substantially since the groundbreaking when it was only 30 million they wanted.

RB Byrd
Flower Mound, TX

I suspect they'd get more if they lowered their "demand" to, say, $1.25.

Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!
Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!
Fascinating read!

Every protestor should read it...
ironyak: "...Trying to guess the relative importance of these complex values, especially from the outside, is to presume an understanding that may be challenging to justify."


i really think this is a considerable overstatement, though judging from your PW posting history i do respect where i believe your sentiments and intentions in particular are coming from, ironyak.

in actuality i've seen a common tendency in abundant cases to esoterically amplify any actual contemporary differences or traits to wistfully imaginative proportions, almost as if we here today are living in something akin to a meeting of starkly and fundamentally contrasting cultures on the order of which occurred at Kealekekua in 1779.

we all pretty much shop at the same stores for generations now, enjoy common entertainment for the most part, use the same electronic gadgets and other technology, enjoy the rich and unique variety of cuisine available here, live under the same laws defining criminal conduct (though i half-expect Kalakoa may chime in on this one [Smile]), and last but certainly not least... in terms of ethnic background, in large part most of us here are quite literally family together in one way or another.

it is 2015 after all. a degree of lifestyle differences amongst various families and individuals, yes, but let us not get romantically carried away in perceiving the mystery of the exotic "other" living in the here and now.
We Support TMT - Sign the Petition

Originally posted by Malapuaao

We Support TMT - Sign the Petition


Signed, done and dusted.

Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!
Ono - So Fast - So Tasty!

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