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You're Fired!
hppwatchdog, everything you have said will be verified. The Page BOD director who you said resigned along with Ruth is Moani Pai-Paige. She was the BOD director of the HR Committee. But no one should worry, those 2 (that just resigned) plus the others who were recently appointed directors could very well be back in June. All of the candidates who are wanting to be elected or appointed in June are already on the BOD (or at least up until now). Nothings going to change. The drama at BOD and membership meetings are only going to continue.
I appreciate and agree with Katarina's previous post, "The members at the "special members meeting warned us many months ago. To think they were ostracized for being right."

I think it's high time that the villagers go up against the Frankenstein Monster once again. Maybe this time the Monster's original supporters and who are now supporting one BOD faction over another will join the rabble villagers.
Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Evidently the HR committee had a rather large argument with BJ in the office Monday over the new GM and what was required from the Association to hire him. Moreover, the argument was so bad that they had to call the police to handle the issues. Page and Ruth resigned and so goes the 3rd attempt at the HR committee.

The road foreman was instructed by Jo to purchase a tool needed to fix the pickup truck. When BJ found out about it she not only refused to pay for it, but docked his pay, then the registration for the pickup had expired and they blamed him for this also. Yes, they deducted the money for the expired registration from his pay totaling $255.

The registration has nothing to do with the road crew it comes in the mail and is a function of the Admin (yes Susan Escobar again)why not deduct it from her pay, oh that's right she is Jo's friend.

I said it would take 6-9 months for this to happen, what a sad day when these people removed the staff. There is only one employee left from the original staff, its the road foreman and after what they did to his pay I bet he will not be around much longer and their goes the Associations ONLY mechanic, now what!

All the original employees will have either been fired or quit.

Was the ENTIRE staff bad or the people who took over?

You be the judge!

As usual, hppwatchdog has little to no facts. Ruth did not resigned. Randi (secretary) and her husband Dan (HR) did resign along with Moani Pai-Page. Our yard man told us the whole story about the tools and yes, you have it all wrong. You seem hell bent on blaming the lady in the office, Susan for everything. We looked back on your posts in which you post about her a lot. It is getting a little creepy. Me and my husband are telling everyone not to believe anything you say because it is all a lie. The yard man told us the cops were not called and there was not a big argument about the new GM. It was about something totally different. Lies and more lies. shame on you....
Hulagirl, could you please go back and edit your response to hppwatchdog? It's a little hard to understand what you are trying to convey. Are you saying that Randi and Dan resigned from the HRC along with Moani or are you saying that Randi and her husband are both directors that resigned along with Moani, who is (was) a director?
Also, "your yard man"? My source is one mouth removed from a director who said it was Ruth who resigned. I don't really care who it was since they are all a part of the problem and each belong to one faction or the other of the BOD and are fighting among themselves and destroying the Park. We saw this faction at work at the last BOD meeting when 4 directors boycotted the meeting in what I assume is a protest against BJ's machinations. We will all know for sure soon.
But, if you are implying your yard man is a reliable source of "goings-on" in the Park, then is he a director? If a director, than it must be Francis since there are only 2 males on the BOD. Craig is too busy with a full time job... I'm sure, therefore your source must be Francis. BTW, I need a yard man, how many cases of beer does he charge?
Watchdog has been accurate most of the time. From what I have learned... far more than this Hula girl. Relying on a yard man? Was he in the HPP office? Or did he relay what he heard from a board member? We know how straight forward they have been. Remember though, anything can happen. Roseann resigned, they posted her position and then somehow she miraculously was back on the board without 1 regard to following the by-laws. Hula girl says the police were not called, then says they were there for something else. Which is it? We know the board has been fighting amongst themselves. They can not even hide it at a meeting. The hatred they show just reeks. I think the road foreman needs to get some good legal council. These run amuck board members are going to cost us a fortune but it won't be the people taking them to courts fault that we, the association, loses. It will be the boards fault but what do they care since they can use our money to make a mess and we can't touch it to fix their mess. The more time that passes, the worse it gets. You should have listened at the Special Members Meeting. What was occurring was obvious to any one with 1/2 a brain.
Originally posted by Hulagirl1

Originally posted by hppwatchdog

Evidently the HR committee had a rather large argument with BJ in the office Monday over the new GM and what was required from the Association to hire him. Moreover, the argument was so bad that they had to call the police to handle the issues. Page and Ruth resigned and so goes the 3rd attempt at the HR committee.

The road foreman was instructed by Jo to purchase a tool needed to fix the pickup truck. When BJ found out about it she not only refused to pay for it, but docked his pay, then the registration for the pickup had expired and they blamed him for this also. Yes, they deducted the money for the expired registration from his pay totaling $255.

The registration has nothing to do with the road crew it comes in the mail and is a function of the Admin (yes Susan Escobar again)why not deduct it from her pay, oh that's right she is Jo's friend.

I said it would take 6-9 months for this to happen, what a sad day when these people removed the staff. There is only one employee left from the original staff, its the road foreman and after what they did to his pay I bet he will not be around much longer and their goes the Associations ONLY mechanic, now what!

All the original employees will have either been fired or quit.

Was the ENTIRE staff bad or the people who took over?

You be the judge!

As usual, hppwatchdog has little to no facts. Ruth did not resigned. Randi (secretary) and her husband Dan (HR) did resign along with Moani Pai-Page. Our yard man told us the whole story about the tools and yes, you have it all wrong. You seem hell bent on blaming the lady in the office, Susan for everything. We looked back on your posts in which you post about her a lot. It is getting a little creepy. Me and my husband are telling everyone not to believe anything you say because it is all a lie. The yard man told us the cops were not called and there was not a big argument about the new GM. It was about something totally different. Lies and more lies. shame on you....

Hey Hula girl, tell your yard man that I saw the pay stub.
Thanks for the update Watchdog. There has to be a whole lot of HPP members who feel pretty stupid for falling for the insanity of this board and supporting them. If they don't get it by now, they are a big part of the problem themselves. Taking money out of an employees paycheck for not renewing the registration is truly evil and nuts. The mail lands in the office.
People should really get first hand knowledge before they start spouting off rumors and/or hearsay. Unless you were there, you don't have firsthand knowledge. That's part of the problem, people live for gossip and can't get their facts straight and it just snowballs into an avalanche. People should think about taking all of their negative energy and turn it into something positive for the community. It would make HPP a much better place to live.
I concur. Most of the people posting here don't go to the meetings so their information is 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th hand... The ones who stir the pot the most are usually those people. Watch dog doesn't go to the meetings at all and Katarina rarely goes. She wasn't at the last one, or the one before or the one before and so on. How can watchdog's posts be "usually accurate" or her's when they don't go to meetings?

Katarina's posts of late keep poking unkindly at people who used to support the board. Some of us don't judge so quickly and give benefit of a doubt, give a new board a chance than be part of a torch burning, string them up on a rope, lynch mob, like she and others of the Sep 7 mtg were. That may be who she is but that's not who I am.

Just because they fired 3 employees didn't mean they'd be reckless from there on out. That remained to be seen. Not even those w/a full brain could see this coming. No one could have predicted how whacko things would get. Katarina came in on the coat tails of others back then because she was inactive, therefore had no 1st hand knowledge of any HPP biz period, but was 1st in line to lynch the brand new board.

After I kept observing the breaking of our bylaws over and over and over by the same individuals, it became evident that there are a few reckless board reps that have personal agendas. It's disappointing.

Meetings are taking it's toll w/2 board members pitted against each other, the Pres and Dist 5 rep in particular. It makes it difficult for the other board members and lot owners. But at the same time you are hearing background details that you may not have heard otherwise that are quite revealing.

Nevertheless, it's a venue to be heard if you need to say something. The full board may not always hear you but everyone in the peanut gallery does. Unless you're yelling breaking our eardrums on the microphone. It lets the board know that you have concerns. Otherwise, it appears we don't care what they do. Those of you that can make it, go to the meetings, ask questions and speak up. Discern carefully where you get your info from if you can't make it to meetings and the minutes aren't posted yet.

Many are quick to criticize the board, it's not an easy job, and some try to do the best they can. There's a lot of vacancies coming up. Get on the board if you think you can do a better job.
I need to point out some issues with your post.

Just because they fired 3 employees didn't mean they'd be reckless from there on out. That remained to be seen. Not even those w/a full brain could see this coming. No one could have predicted how whacko things would get.

First, it's nice to see that your opinion on firing the employees was reckless. You need to understand that these directors signed an oath that they would follow the bylaws that they never read. Moreover, in the bylaws it states that they will follow HRS 414D which they didn't even know existed.

Some of us don't judge so quickly and give benefit of a doubt, give a new board a chance than be part of a torch burning, string them up on a rope, lynch mob, like she and others of the Sep 7 mtg were.

From their first action to this week they are still violating the State laws by deducting money from an employees check. They continue to defame the fired employees in January and March.

Meetings are taking it's toll w/2 board members pitted against each other, the Pres and Dist 5 rep in particular. It makes it difficult for the other board members and lot owners. But at the same time you are hearing background details that you may not have heard otherwise that are quite revealing.

Actually it is 4 board members, the 4 missing directors from the April meeting was a protest against BJ. These directors need to grow up or get out. Did you see how many items needed to be tabled because they were not there? Even though the best thing that could happen to the Association is for BJ to resign.

Those of you that can make it, go to the meetings, ask questions and speak up.

According to meeting conduct the only time you are allowed to speak at this meeting in owner input. One of the biggest problems is all the shouting out from the owners during the meeting.

You are out of order by speaking when not spoken too.

Originally posted by Oiaio

People should really get first hand knowledge before they start spouting off rumors and/or hearsay. Unless you were there, you don't have firsthand knowledge. That's part of the problem, people live for gossip and can't get their facts straight and it just snowballs into an avalanche. People should think about taking all of their negative energy and turn it into something positive for the community. It would make HPP a much better place to live.

Well put.
hppwatchdog is spreading lies.
On the previous pages hppwatchdog posted lies about the Board not approving the purchase of a truck. It was approved, unanimously by all 8 Board members in the minutes from October.

hppwatchdog said Ruth has quit as Board member. This is another lie.
On HPP website it says which districts have the new openings that the 2 Board members who quit this week left vacant until June. The replacements are needed until June only.
Look up the districts and you will see who quit is Moani and Randi. NOT Ruth as hppwatchdog said.

hppwatchdog said the HR committee was at the HPP office on Monday. This is a lie.
Not one of the HR members was anywhere near the HPP property on Monday. They had all quit.
hppwatchdog said the HR committee had a fight with BJ at the office and police came.
Another lie from hppwatchdog.
The HR committee did not show up on HPP property at all.
The HR committee did not talk to BJ, let alone argue with her.
The police did not come to HPP office/property.

There were NO HR members at the office on Monday morning. They had all quit.
Another lie from hppwatchdog.

There was an argument between the President and Vice President. The fight had nothing to do with the new GM. The police did not come. All lies from hppwatchdog.

hppwatchdog is anything but a "reliable source" and his info is made up lies.


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