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TMT groundbreaking - live
Today while I was reading the headlines, a man walked up to me mumbling, they dont' want it, they don't want it ...

I said, its gonna happen, but he told me "the aliens won't let it, they don't want us looking at them. "

Originally posted by Aaron S

Obscenity-laced Facebook post calls for killing telescope supporters

I found it confusing. He says supporters should have their throats slashed, but then says they should be beaten to death. Seems redundant. I guess it depends on whether or not one is carrying a knife.
There is a growing "thing" in the USA. I guess you could call it "extreme hate." Though there were lynchings in the south and racism this new "extreme hate" didn't, just my opinion, didn't exist up to now. At least not in the USA. I've seen it in Honolulu directed at the homeless. (Yeah, I know that many, not all, homeless got involved in things that put them there, but ,,,) In the 1930's many, many, many American's fed the many, many, many homeless drifting around the country. Now? Well, I've read the word exterminate used in a letter in the Star Advertiser. I support the Telescope because it would be a real gift from Mauna Kea and Hawaiians to the world. We don't have to hold hands and sing Kumbaya because that's not what it's about; but there's "something really big" missing in the hearts of the citizenship in general. (Just my opinion.)
Do the anti-TMT people really want to be associated with that? Look around and see what sort of people are on your side.
Many of them are irrational, some are thugs, some wear masks, some write crazy letters to the editor, others incite violence on Facebook.
What sort of cause would attract such people, a just one?
There is ugliness of both sides of the topic if you go looking. Comment threads and especially facebook really demonstrates how low both views can stoop.

That is not a justification for this instance, or any other, but the sad truth is many people can't even be civil to each other, much less try to understand.
Originally posted by ironyak

There is ugliness of both sides of the topic if you go looking. Comment threads and especially facebook really demonstrates how low both views can stoop.

That is not a justification for this instance, or any other, but the sad truth is many people can't even be civil to each other, much less try to understand.

I think there is a vast difference between ugly attacks by a random poster on the internet and equally ugly attacks from someone who professes to be a spokesperson for a movement. Someone who proclaims he is the protector of what is "sacred" needs to rise above using that sort of language about other human beings.
Somehow I can't see telescope supporters calling for the throats of their opponents being cut. For that you need divine reassurance that your cause is just.
While I have not heard that phrase exactly, if you've missed the "wipe away their pathetic culture for the sake of progress" argument then you're not paying attention, even to this very thread.

And yes, there is plenty worse out there - be thankful for the relative moderation on punaweb.

ETA: much agreed shockwave - practice what you preach, especially when you represent a group.
Originally posted by Aaron S

Obscenity-laced Facebook post calls for killing telescope supporters

About to graduate from UH too... Since what he has said, in writing no less, is even worse than what those idiots in that mainland fraternity recently did, this guy needs to be THROWN OUT OF COLLEGE - NOW! No graduating, no nothing.
Originally posted by dakine

be thankful for the relative moderation on punaweb...

As far as I am concerned the ugliness of the pro TMT crowd here has been anything but moderate.

Has any of the pro-TMT people asked for you to be killed? Did you read his post? You do not need to have a facebook account to read it.

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