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Rock-n-Roll in Paradise
Keep throwing out the charity ideas and EXOPLORE EXPLORE EXPLORE the local East BI needs. I like kids issues. I was thinking of maybe something with the foster parents assn. or funding for an afterschool program. I don't know exactly but let's keep looking. There is always the foodbank but they seem to have a lot of support already. I love this thread. Keep brainstorming and learning. Once ideas start flowing we'll have a meeting... Yayyyyy Smile

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Many on this forum including myself love animals. They are so innocent and so easily cast aside. However it is people in need of a helping hand that I feel would be the best to benefit from any help we as a group can provide. Whether it is children in after school programs or the elderly, or abused. If we help someone and plant one seed of kindness in a soul then perhaps the animals will be cared for also as a result. Just an idea. Let's hear of some others.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Got a possible candidate that seems to satisfy criteria we're looking for: it's Puna-based, involves children, and also promotes a strong anti-drug/anti-tobacco message. I stumbled onto it the other day while researching possible activities that my 15-year old might enjoy in Puna (he loves gymnastics). A new acquaintance who lives in HPP highly recommended I contact Graham Ellis at "Hiccup Circus". Just checked out their website and sent an email to Graham to see if they had any programs going on in the summer that we could observe. He emailed back today saying they're down for the summer but we decided to hook up in early August anyway to talk story. He also attached an article which I'll have to open on my Mac since some mysterious bug in my PC is preventing me from opening pdf files. I'll be happy to forward to Pam if she's interested.
Anyway, check out their site and tell me what you think. If it looks promising, perhaps someone living in Puna can sniff around and get more info. They look legit to me but it's something we need to build consensus on. Here's the address:
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Now all we need is corporate sponsorship...

no wait, sorry just joking.

Actually in college we threw a big festival and asked all these corporations for sponsorship, just told them that 2000 young malleable minds were waiting to be fed their advertising, we took all the free food, booze, and equipment and threw a pretty cool 100% anti-corporate themed party! Not a logo to be seen.

I love all the charity ideas. I know personally i would like to do something to offset the effects of people like us moving here. Maybe a donation jar would be appropriate. Once the costs of throwing the event are taken care of, of course.

I get the idea Pamela could handle some interlopers for a few days, just hope she doesn't corrupt them too much!

Well my hopes that a benefit for animals spay and neuter would be considered. They say, if you look at the abuse of animals in a community, you will see an under current of children being abused. Kindness is contagious. But when children experience a family member getting rid (dumping) of their family pet, because they can not afford to spay & neuter because of "too many off-springs", they think its an okay thing to do. We need to stop the cycle of abuse. If we stop it with animals, we will stop it with kids. WIth almost 1,000 signatures, I have heard sicking stories of what is happening to these animals in our community. If we can help these families with getting their animals fixed, it would stop much of the animal abuse and or/dumped along the road ways.
Well, I had to make my pitch, as it would be a first for the Islands. Kindness begets kindness. Wipili

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Dropped in to take the pulse of my new favorite thread. Nary a post in 3 days...Is this idea still alive and kicking? Or headed for cyber oblivion? (Or to paraphrase Mike Tyson, "headed off into Bolivian" Smile

Any new ideas? To extend Hazen's idea, perhaps other folks with vacation rentals would also be willing to offer shelter to musicians or other volunteers should this event ever come to fruition. Just a thought.

How about ideas for other local causes? Anyone check out the Hiccup Circus site yet? Or pondered Waipili's plea to help our furry friends? Or some other new idea? All of the above?

Hope we can keep the enthusiasm and follow this through. Look forward to your enlightented input.



A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
The idfea is alive and well and brewing..... I can hear everyne's minds clicking away. We just need to get together and assign some "jobs" like expoloring ordinances, permits, licenses, charities, etc....

I am still in So Cal but will be back later this week.

For the record I dive today and managed to bag 4 scallops, one oargher male sheepshead, two rubbrer lipped surf perch, a kelp bass and one nice scorpion fish. We gonna eat good!!!!

Smile Pam

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Ika had an idea about drug abuse and I came across this web site from a local paper., I'm sure there are many others site available. Just read a local article about it here. Knew it was a problem in our county but the numbers are staggering. The destruction of meth labs, keeps on giving disparity and death. Evidently in this rural county alone 27% of Butte County jail bookings were meth related in 2004. What else are people there in Puna considering? Any ideas from your local news or neighborhoods? I'm with David, a PC project might not be what the East Side needs. We do need more ideas and consensus on those ideas to help make this a success.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Hey Music lovers and Rockers, I came upon this post on KONAweb in a discussion on the use of cultural words and keeping them alive, as well as the proper names of beaches and locations. Auntie Lele's response follows regarding a newly coined word she used for someone's house blessing, meaning for one who adopts the land. Thought you might enjoy this post also and perhaps we could use this newly coined expressive for our charity concert, or in advertising or flyers. I know these things take time to evolve so ideas of all kinds are a plus don't you think.

Words to Aunty Lele, posted by Ellen M on Tuesday, 12 July 2005, at 4:25 p.m.

Oh, certainly! (response to will you share the new word)

Hanaina - Kako over the first and second "a." If you forget the kahako, then it means "Feeding."

It is a contraction of "hanai" - to adopt, and "`aina" - land, thus one who is adopted by the land.

We have:
*Kanaka Maoli - the indigenous people
*hapa - part Hawaiian plus something else
*haole - foreigners (in pidgin, often used to refer to white North Americans)
*malihini - visitors
*kama`aina - non-Maoli born in the islands(in pidgin refers to long-time residents)

We don't really have a Hawaiian term for one who has adopted the culture, and been adopted by the community. And so, I have decided to start using the term, hanaina.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Sorry dupicate message deleted. No idea how it happened, so hopefully it will not happen again. Who knows!

Edited by - Mella L on 07/15/2005 12:45:52
mella l
Art and Science

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