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Rock-n-Roll in Paradise
Perhaps we could start a coqui eradication benefit? If the government is so slow to catch up perhaps we could do a benefit that would benefit the land and all the people, and get some press. Nothing like putting a spot light on a problem. If we had a few big names, some press, perhaps others would help out also, like garden clubs, or university conservation programs. I don't know all who might be affected and would be willing to help out. If you are local perhaps you would have a good idea of who all might be affected, and willing to help. If people start plowing their lots and not planting a bushy moist home for coqui in self protection it could affect the nursery trade so they might give a hand also. Just a thought.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
KEEP ALL THE IDEAS COMING. I have just returned from the mainland, my brain is fried with jetlag.... but I am reading everyone's ideas. It's great to see the enthusiasm for this project. Be patient... keep the ideas rolling....


Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
For this project, I suggest we look for an existing organization (charitable) to support. Establishing our own campaign is a major undertaking and I am personally not up to it. I did this for 6 years in Southern California, so I know from whence I speak. Keep the ideas rolling but lets look for established organizations that are already doing the charitable work. Smile

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
We have your idea Frank. Everyone keep the ideas coming. We will decide but don't have to do that too soon. Lots of other work to do first!!!

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Aloha neighbors and future-neighbors!

I'm catching a cool Hawaiian breeze on my back lanai in Hawaiian Shores...eye level with green palms and coconuts...a cold, sweaty lemonade in my recliner cupholder. Life is good!

Frank's ideas are no-more-no-less important than anyone else's. We appreciate all ideas. Don't know how we'll make the final decision, but whatever it is you'll have my total support. If someone asks me to vote, I'll be happy to oblige.

No matter how we choose to decide, I agree with Pam that it's too early to take that step. (And giving to existing charities works for me too.)

To put things in perspective, I did a "quick and dirty" analysis of this thread:

As I write this reply, the thread has had a total of 39 replies. Of these replies (some duplicates) only 10 people have actually posted, myself one of them. (Here's a list of the posters in no particular order: oceandreamer; pslamont; waipili; mella; punagirl; Hazen; Ika; David M; Nancy Fryhover; punafish - apologies if I missed anyone!) The thread has a total of 493 views. Now I KNOW the 10 of us didn't view it that many times. How many lurkers are out there that NEED TO WEIGH IN with their opinions? WE NEED MORE INPUT!

Thinking out of the box here, is there any reason why we couldn't allocate the charity revenues to more than one cause? (i.e.; a certain % to the local folks and a certain % to the animals.) Just another idea to kick around. At any rate, we need the lurkers to give us more ideas and opinions...It's time for the lurkers to step up to the plate and take a swing. We look forward to hearing from you!



A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
I worked as a veterinary tech for 18yrs so I am very partial to helping the animal problem. There are two issues that never seem to get the money they deserve. Kids and animals. There are so many things that could be worthwhile. I would certainly want to verify any animal shelter's history before giving them money. Who are they financially accountable to? Are their financial records available to the public? Are there policies in place that don't allow adoption of dogs to people who are going to use them for hunting. Sadly, sometimes it is more cruel to keep an animal alive if they are going to give it to homes who are going to neglect and not care about it. We use guidelines for adoptions that must be met and although some people dont like them it helps ensure that an animal is going to be cared for properly. The other thing that I would approve of is creating a playroom in the children's unit (Malama Wing) at the hospital. I bet the kids would love that with some new games and colorful characters on the wall, maybe video games or something to make their stay a little more pleasant. Just a thought there are so many great ideas out there. Frank, when I get back I would love to help you work on the animal problem.

Sounds like a game plan!

frank battaglia
IOHO it is way too soon to start voting on a project when we do not know what all the possibilities are. Perhaps locals can scan the news and newspapers and find the name of established charities we can look into and think about. I think we all agree we love animals, children and apple pie. Social issues need attention too as well as the Coqui problem. Other ideas are allowed right?

Just learned that any post you personally make you can personally edit. I inadvertently, or the server helped me, post a duplicate message. This is how I learned I could edit any message I post. Great tool~Go to the second or third tablet above your post and it will tell you if it is the edit key. Click the edit key and you can edit your post. Neat. Keep smilin and dancing like no one is watching!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
ALL Ideas need to be brought up. I have NO blinders on anyone individual. I say what is on my mind. I am especially drawn at this time to a children's waiting room, but that is because I am a nurse. It is no more or less valid at this point than any other idea. I like the diversity of ideas coming in and expect that many heads put together are more valuable than just one.

If we get this thing together, those doing the work will decide the cause. The decision will be based basically on something good for our local community, verifiable, promotable publically and not too controversial (we want a party, not a brawl!!).

If I put this together as my project an have to take financial responsibility (rememkber these things can lose tons of money) then I get a big voice. If someone else wants to start their own project, GO FOR IT. It's only better for the community to have as much support as possible.

Frank, if you have something you want to say to me personally just email me personally. This is a public forum with a specific thread. let's keep on track. Thank you.

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I like the Rainbow Sanctuary idea. It should be on the ballot for sure.

I also like the idea of "prevent teen pregnancy in Puna" which could have a very positive impact on the area. We have a similar group in Atlanta known as GCAP which is ran by Jane Fonda. They have had a very positive impact on our high rate of teen pregnancy in the inner city through counseling, free birth control etc. Teen pregnancy is a huge problem in Hawaii, especially in Puna. This problem impacts all of us in many ways including our pocketbooks. I have seen organizations to help with the ICE problem, homeless etc but not I have noticed any that focus on the teen pregnancy issue.


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