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Rock-n-Roll in Paradise
Hey Y'all

Just to refocus a little bit before we get the gears too gummed up in committee;

Reposting from Tim, I actually took the time to check out this group. They seem to be of a small enough scale to fit our bill, be community based, offer a family attendance incentive, and offer that great hippie-gypsy-carnival-festival feeling. I think if anyone else wants to set up a booth and or collect donations that would be appropriate too. I am going to lend my endorsement to this group. Let us focus on the core idea, A good time music festival. Unite the community, bring everyone together. Activism often drowns in its own juices. A little fun really brings the community together. Once there recptiveness is tenfold. Thus the repost by Tim-

Got a possible candidate that seems to satisfy criteria we're looking for: it's Puna-based, involves children, and also promotes a strong anti-drug/anti-tobacco message. I stumbled onto it the other day while researching possible activities that my 15-year old might enjoy in Puna (he loves gymnastics). A new acquaintance who lives in HPP highly recommended I contact Graham Ellis at "Hiccup Circus". Just checked out their website and sent an email to Graham to see if they had any programs going on in the summer that we could observe. He emailed back today saying they're down for the summer but we decided to hook up in early August anyway to talk story. He also attached an article which I'll have to open on my Mac since some mysterious bug in my PC is preventing me from opening pdf files. I'll be happy to forward to Pam if she's interested.
Anyway, check out their site and tell me what you think. If it looks promising, perhaps someone living in Puna can sniff around and get more info. They look legit to me but it's something we need to build consensus on. Here's the address:
Look forward to hearing your thoughts.


Check out the site.


Aloha ALL, I have taken the time to read, as Hazen asked, about the Hiccup Circus. I recommend this site and vote for this project even tho it is not time to vote yet. It seems to cover all the bases, building child self esteem, educating about dangers of tobacco and drugs, and exercise for kids! Also Hazen I think laughing and fooling around is very conducive to community building, as is music and would be something to look forward to each year by those of our group, the community, but especially by the children. Mahalo Hazen!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
I looked up Hiccup Circus. They seem to educate kids in a fun environment. They also spend time in CA and seem to have a lot of big sponsors. I would like to see something sponsored that doesnt have so much corporate backing and would be just a BI cause. So I think we should look at oceandreamers spay neuter idea some more,there are so many great causes on the BI that would have immediate impact. Hopsice Hawaii is one. Also, I liked the idea of maybe splitting the funds between two groups. I'm sure they could all use the help. Did anyone check out the shelter in Kurtistown?

The idea I thought was to make a presents and promote some good will locally. Don’t get me wrong I love animals and at one time in my life had a menagerie and was more than likely considered an eccentric. I have loved cared for, fed, neutered, spayed and inoculated more darling pets than a sane person on a farm, all in the city.

The idea I thought was to have a unique charity to sponsor, and let the not so unique, i.e. spay- neuter, drug rehab, smoking education, women’s, men’s and children’s health agencies, been there done than, PC, already established agencies who already have vast support, to have booths at our event to collect their own donations at our venue and to educate, and celebrate the day with us and some good music.

I still like the Hiccup Circus, but we could think about team sports that build leadership, like sponsoring an outrigger canoe team, that’s uniquely Hawaiian, all ages and denominations, and political parties belong. Or how about an organic garden, no that’s been done. There has to be other good ideas out there. Aren’t there? If we go for anything less than unique, or alternative, we may as well be supporting a political party and at that I’m outahere.

It seems the focus didn’t quite take and perhaps some clear minded individuals might again try to filter the waters, or fine tune that focus! Aloha and good evening all. Remember you are in Paradise, and I’m not. (not yet)!

mella l

Edited by - Mella L on 07/24/2005 21:26:09
mella l
Art and Science
I saw a booth at the grocery store yesterday collecting school supplies for homeless kids. Is there an organization serving these kids? How big is the problem? And what about foster care/parent support group? Just some more ideas....

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
My mom is 91 and in an assisted living home. Unless family takes her out for the day they only get a few trips out a year. They rely on donations to pay for these trips. Sometimes they go to the beach or for ice cream or just for a lunch.They have yard sales and raffles. They really look forward to these trips just another thought. I also like the team sports idea

Is the assisted living home associated with some charity or is it a for profit? I do like that idea. We could make a HUGE difference in that circumstance.

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Hospice or something for elderly care. I'd have to say I felt a tug to my heart. My Mom had benefit of hospice care at home her final weeks - those people are angels.
My wife spent 5 months recovering from accident in an extended care facility - half was for people like her (medical) and the other side were the assited living, nursing home, elderly types. I'd often push my wife's wheel chair in their corridor or eat in the community room. For most it was a sad, lonely life, many eager just for a hello and a smile. The volunteers were a major part in the little joy most had in their existence.

Frank - the spay/neuter program has merit, but it also has many competing groups and resources. I'd guess the results would be enhanced if not so fragmented. How many individual programs have to offer their variety of similar services? How much does the county collect in animal fees? We who bring our pets, pay significant dollars to do so, where does all the state money go?

As for your typo comments, we all make them and hope for tolerance. Typing any number of fingers or speed has nothing to do with proofing before hitting the post button or even the reluctance to click on the pencil type icon to edit after posting. JMHO, but sometimes your posts are just too difficult to read, so we probably miss something worthwhile. If something is worthy of saying, why not make it readable?

Ninole Resident
I'm with Frank on the cat/dog affordable spay & neuter. Everyday I see new animals being dumped in different areas and it breaks my heart. On Sunday at Makuu, I talked to 200 people while gathering signatures for affordable spay & neuter, and everyone is saying this is a major, major problem. Many people are telling me they just don't have the money to get their animals fixed. Others are doing the best they can, like getting the females done but no money to do the males. I have been told that in some areas, the animal overpopulation is out of control, as animals are being dumped into their subdivision, along the roads, in malls, etc., and coming into their yards, lost, and hungry.
Has anyone considered helping Advocats, Inc. Or Animal Rescue Coalition Of Hawaii? Or even the Keaau Humane Society to give out free spay/neuter coupons from the money we make off the concert? We would be helping many, many families, and in turn, be helping animals by preventing unwanted births. It would also increase the awareness that animal abuse is wrong and teach Humane responsibity.

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Pam, I hope you would reconsider. You are a nice person with a good heart, please don't drop out, as doing a benefit is really a terrific idea. Also, for those that would like to sign my petition for affordable spay & neuter for dogs and cats, I'll be at Makuu farmers market this Sat. from 930-200pm. Every one's signature is so very important as our goal is 5,000. We presently have over 2,000. Be a voice for the animals with your signature for affordable and effective spay & neuter. Its a win-win for you and for the animalsSmile

Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect
Protect Animals Rights:Kindness, Love & Respect

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