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TMT groundbreaking - live
What a novel idea, to halt all traffic, abuse, and especially further development of the summit for the time being. Maunakea has sadly been put into a grave state by those who had been trusted and paid handsomely to protect its fragile, and sacred environment.

Dlnr reminded many Wednesday who's interest they are still protecting. Again it was not the interest of our islands keiki who were offering Lei's and aloha to them. jmo. Taking a look at the majority of people protesting ( maybe 500 to 700) i can honestly say their feelings, passions, and emotions are strongly felt if not recognized by sight. Also Very impressive, was the amount of senior citizens standing ground( first line) and walking up very difficult terrain to show their side of support.

The Wahine line (3rdline) was the most chilling as many were standing arm in arm, chanting with hapai bellies. The dlnr officers intentions were listened to and made clear, while being met with aloha for the most part. A Suggestion for the future arresting officers, better learn how to deal with the mass keiki getting involved. The picking and choosing of arrests still gathered many leaders or notable supporters along the way(11), maybe more strategic than some might initially think.
Jmo's, Very concerning now that the Gov wants to start playing hard ball? Many protectors are feeling the walls, corners, and edges they have been being pushed in to. Tensions were noticeably higher on both sides of this standoff, obviously it did not go as expected for the dlnr pit bulls cause their jobs did not get done. This continues to be much bigger than some continue to think (most who are NOT from here including the acting Gov).

Tomk, good to see you are paying attention to some of the protectors now, as their numbers are no longer( the few) you may have once thought of them.
Did you happen to notice any tears, pain, or keiki? They are also very real, and should start getting some much needed attention in the days to come. The newly added hard ball or law approach( many would not be on the mountain today if laws and promises weren't already broken) will prove to be costly also, jmo. The TMT project, its investors, and its back pocket dlnr protectors has had no problems deciding the direction of our islands keiki for the past 7 years and longer. Now it seems they don't want to include them in the escalating situations. TMT Projects like these planned here in the islands have plenty to do with the keiki, The ones who are in schools today, also for those who will inherit these world decisions and projects left for tomorrow.
Hopefully no one got a trespassing or speeding ticket on this island Wednesday, stay safe everyone.
Posted from someone who wants to put a fine dining restaurant at the summit and turn the area into a ski resort...

Jeez, do you actually read your own posts before posting them? I can't make head nor tail of your babble.
the governor is a coward, he needs to stand up to these vandals, send up the national guard if he has to open up the road, they can protest beside it if they want, but putting boulders in the road should not be allowed, period.
loffelkopffl, also have to keep in mind handling such situations can be quite tricky. i'm sure many protestors would jump at the chance to play up the role of oppressed "indigenous" victim shackled in chains by the brutally authoritarian colonial state.
PM2 makes a good point. I'm completely in favor of taking off the kid gloves, but would prefer to do it without unnecessarily creating any martyrs. Let's start by putting more police and DNLR agents up there and making them do their jobs.

I recently had a fairly civil discussion with a protester in the Safeway parking lot in Hilo. When I suggested that his group might be more productive by demanding that OHA and DHHL be reformed, he told me that as a haole, I had no right to criticize those organizations. I walked away after pointing out that he and his friends were buying their junk food from a haole dominated mainland US corporation. Gotta have dem Doritos even in the middle of restoring the kingdom.
ugh, sounds like that conversation fairly epitomizes much of the double standard and hypocrisy galore circulating amongst the protestor crowd. so much of it just doesn't add up. plenty arrogance too.
Chunkster and PM2:
Then,I would say to those individuals as in the parking lot, don't attempt to impose on us here who want a better
economy, on science as an economically beneficial thing that seeps into
all aspects of all of our lives.
As far as haoles not having a right to criticize OHA or DHHL, I might remind
those people that all citizens of Hawaii who are registered to vote can vote for OHA Trustees.
That being the case, also be prepared in the future for haole candidates for OHA. Education among all voters would be needed, but it would force a discussion of OHA practices.
with the road blocked at the vistor center#65292;everyone above it gets arrested and you are all done!
Interesting contradictions about the home base for the TMT project? See several people claim the actual TMT site is nothing but Rocks on the northern plateau nothing lives there. Yet, Some who i trust from the university here, say they have seen differently just 5 years ago. In fact the TMT site is like no other on the mountain, that it has its own environment, and living organism's.

Plants, mosses, lichens, and other living organism's have been found on the actual TMT site 13,500 ft? Just under most of the rocks(6") on site lies these rare wonders, The TMT footprint would like to remove the first 20 FEET of rocks or aina on this site?. If the TMT Project is completed this could mean the extinction of a living community we never understood or respected enough. Jmo,or guess here. The TMT folks have probably studied the situation extensively, like the wekiu bug problem. TMT officials and observatory communities will explain it by some environmental or climate reason these life forms have moved or just don't exist anymore?
P.S. I am going to see if the Office of maunakea should have info on the past university studies in that area of the mountain that were not TMT related. Probably been a few new faces within that office recently,jmo.
Aloha ahiahi, gypsy. Still enjoy the "pearls in the bushel of oysters" you provide. Trust your ohana is well (BTW, you mentioned the Ruddles in another thread; you are getting old! jk...[Smile])

Below please find a few links which will be a good start to your inquiry/thoughts (yeah, peeps tease about all the links, but WTH, it's worth reading to gain knowledge if you so choose):

Within this site, there are document that pertain to Mauna Kea/Mauna A Wakea from the days of the Kumulipo, through the present day:

More specific to species, and organisms, etc., the links below is from the Bishop Museum, who holds a plethora of documents:

This one is on anthropods (Bishop Museum):

DLNR Report re: Application for TMT/Incl. historical assessment (dated 2010):

Good start, right? Aloha to you and your ohana, and mahalo again for your "pearls"....[Smile]



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