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Pointless thread
Taking care of our big islands limited or diminishing resources would be a nice change. While also protecting our islands residents, future generations, and their way of life or priorities should be taken into account,jmo.

Right now our islands ohia trees are dying by the thousands, our ocean is being seriously damaged and polluted, our precious water resources are being diverted and changing forever, our gracious hawaiian native population are struggling, our public land accesses are shrinking, even our keiki are being left behind educationally.
How is adding something as big and worldly attractive( additional 1 million summit visitors) as the TMT telescope on OUR Maunakea. Utilizing many of our resourses going to help with these many issues? foreign corporations Can't just keep throwing cheap unfulfilled promises with more money into the same corrupt state ran programs and politician's that obviously don't work, or spend the money right (properly, Accordingly),jmo. Our next generations (Keiki) educational opportunities or public education is one example, while our growing homeless program is another, our health facilities yet another, and our environment or aloha spirit deserves mentioning,jmo.

P.S. Anyone know where one can buy some Ohia Honey, I would like to stock up.

Ohia Honey

'tis Lehua (the name of the Ohia flower. Widely available, when it is, even in KTA. Though the stash was pretty low yesterday when I was looking for it there.
How is adding something as big and attractive as the TMT telescope on our Maunakea using many of our resourses going to help with these issues? Can't just keep throwing more money into programs that don't work spend it right,jmo.

Neither the county or state "throw money" into the TMT program.
In fact, the TMT "throws money" at the state, and Hawaii County keiki with their scholarship program. It benefits us here on the island. But you already knew that, right?

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by Aaron S

A judge on Thursday cleared the way for a new round of hearings by the state Board of Land and Natural Resources on the proposed Thirty Meter Telescope near the summit of Mauna Kea.

This description isn't exactly what happened. The judge here is the judge that originally approved the permit. Now that the state supreme court has overturned that ruling, the judge needs an order from the protesters' lawyer to vacate that earlier judgement. He has 10 days to do that.

Richard Naiwieha Wurdeman has 10 days to prepare the order, but a second round of hearings on TMT permitting could take months, perhaps years. TMT officials have previously said they would continue the process.

It was going to take 8 years to build TMT, so if the hearings extend into years of being in the courts, the technology of mirror/lens telescopes may be going obsolete by then. It seems likely if the litigation appears to be a several year effort, the location would be changed to Atacama, not by choice but by necessity.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
A person all about the purity of a place........ smokes? Wonder if her cigs taste like irony?


Originally posted by TomK

"Really? Capitulate to Corporate greed? I wonder which corporate gas company Kealoha uses when she fills up the tank of her car to drive to anti-TMT protests? Or what about when she goes grocery shopping? How many items in her cart are manufactured by corporations, who's greed she supports daily by purchasing their products for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."

I wonder which corporate brand she funds when she buys her cigarettes? Last time I saw, which was a few months ago, it was Benson & Hedges. Many of her cigarette butts littered the "sacred" summit for years, but I guess that's just fine if you call yourself a protector.

We're all here, because we're not all there!
We're all here, because we're not all there!
A person all about the purity of a place........ smokes? Wonder if her cigs taste like irony?

when did being judgmental of others become a virtue?
"when did being judgmental of others become a virtue?"

Maybe it was when a minority within a minority decided to be the judge of what should be built on Mauna Kea.
"when did being judgmental of others become a virtue?"

Last year.

"I do not think the western (European) mind is healthy" - dakine
Hawaii's 'Aloha' will blind humanity to the half of the universe visible from the northern hemisphere. Since when is a stick in the eye of every human being alive, or who will ever live, 'Aloha'? Hawaii is standing proudly before the world as a bunch of pampered, EBT sucking, lawyered up savages.


You can't fix Samsara.
dakine and his minions just want a payout. i wouldn't be proud of any efforts that derailed the TMT.

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