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Pointless thread
"support given by OHA... Princess Abigail Kinoiki Kekaulike Kawananakoa" - - - dakine

Wow, you couldn't have picked two worse examples if you tried. OHA's DHHL division is so corrupt and incompetent that people die of old age waiting for land allotments, and the princess is a fossil representative of a landed class of Hawaiians who sold out the landless commoners and would, truth be told, like to keep them that way.
"And that is not as others would like you to believe a 50/50 split. Elections are won and lost by way smaller margins, and in that poll the nays took it comfortably."

I think someone needs a lesson in statistics and error analysis.

We all say things in the heat of the moment, but it takes guts to apologize afterwards. Good on you, mate.
TMT board eyes other sites

"Facing uncertainties about the Thirty Meter Telescope’s future atop Hawaii’s tallest mountain, its board has decided to search for an alternative site in case it can’t build here in the next couple of years."
Little extra detail:
"Ed Stone, TMT executive director, said in an interview Wednesday that the $1.4 billion project will need assurances from the state that it can obtain a permit for unhindered construction on Mauna Kea no later than September 2017 — or it will take its next-generation telescope to another mountain."
"Mauna Kea Hui spokeswoman Kealoha Pisciotta says her group is seeking extended hearings at the Land Board, and might even challenge Mauna Kea’s underlying management plan, a move that could add years – not months – to any construction timeline.

“I do think it could take anywhere from two to five years to get through it all because we are going to require every possible approval,” she said."
Hooray! The protectors have won! We're finally safe! Tax increases for everyone!
Arecibo and Australian radio telescopes have received instrumentation upgrades so they can see through the center of the galaxy to the other side and beyond, the "blind spot" which has been there in human observation for 3 million years (looking up and seeing the Milky Way obscuring what is "behind" it).

Radio and infrared penetrate much better than optical. The era of lenses and giant mirrors is coming to an end, the TMT would have been one of the last brontosaurus.

It's starting to look like the demise of the Earth bound optical telescope is going to start in less than 5 years. There is no advantage to locking on to stars from a spinning reference platform. Lightweight individually magnified sensor arrays are going to be much cheaper and easier to locate in space.

TMT has to make a decision in two years whether it wants to keep fighting or find a new location, or go obsolete in the 8 years it will take to build it.

"Aloha also means goodbye. Aloha!"
*Japanese tourist on bus through Pahoa, "Is this still America?*
one of the last brontosaurus...demise of the Earth bound optical telescope...magnified sensor arrays are going to be much cheaper and easier to locate in space...obsolete in the 8 years...

And how does all your commentary about the advent of space based telescopes, and new telescopes becoming obsolete before they're built etc, fit in with the fact that the creaky, ancient Keck Observatory is making more discoveries on a regular basis than any other telescope in the world?

Answer please?

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Jesus, Ted, give it a rest. Tom's gone over it with you previously in both TMT threads as to why this telescope is needed, yet you continue to babble on with the same incorrect argument. For crying out loud, man, Tom's an astronomer and knows a hell of a lot more than you do about the topic. Now I see why he gets pissed every time you post, even the times you are making sense. I'm starting to think you don't actually read any of the responses here, but use this forum to just post whatever comes in your head without any filter.

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,

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