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Billy Kenoi indicted today of theft
Raise taxes until people are forced to live in the park.

That still won't be as good as Billy's cell, because the park entrance will have a sign on it:
"Closed 9 PM - 5:30 AM"

"How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives." -Annie Dillard
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Ericlp: I sure hope he spends time in prison. Truly despicable individual Billy Kenoi is. A rat being paid by us to lead and represent us. I am disgusted when I see his pictures on the front page of the newspaper looking all shady and guilty like he is. I'm certainly not saddened by this Kalapana-roots crook. I'm disgusted!
Sure perpetuates the "just another Puna thief" tagline...
Not one, but two, editorials calling for Kenoi's resignation in the Honolulu daily today. Won't happen, though. Billy's unbounded ego and need for money to pay his lawyer won't allow that.
editorials calling for Kenoi's resignation in the Honolulu daily

Great! Honolulu can pay for the special election, too.
Why am i always more impressed with Khon2 news covering our islands news worthy stories, than our hilo Tribune? Khon2 news does a great job with the always investating part of its news as well,jmo.

I was a bit Surprised he was using the p-card that often. Also on so many things that some of us tax payers can't even afford for ourselves or for our own keiki. With no law that says he has to lose his job or resign. I guess we will have to wait to regain any trust in our political or attorney system's around these parts, or he could do the pono thing himself sooner,jmo.
If he was warned(by many) about this type of p-card spending or infractions then how is there no criminal intent when caught? Also are we expected to believe he would have paid back all that illegally spent money, if he was not called out or caught? Now if he was to resign who are the next possible one or two in line for the remaining portion of his term?

I'm just wondering - how could someone who does something so STUPID be a "mayor" of anything?? Why didn't he just use his own credit card? He's either sneaky or self-destructive, or both.
I don't think he's stupid.

I'd say arrogant, sure he wouldn't get caught with his hand in the cookie jar, everybody else is too stupid to catch him. And if he got caught, figures nothing bad will happen; even seems to think that we'll believe that he planned to pay it back.

Sadly, it looks like he's right, and he'll wind up with at least a pension, and probably no jail time. To get a conviction, the prosecutors will have to prove he never meant to pay it back. Since he has (finally) paid it back, that makes it hard to prove.

Now who's stupid? The voters, maybe?

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Paying the money back may get him some brownie points with the judge, but it doesn't erase the crime, particularly given the fact that he didn't pay all of it back until after he got caught. IIRC, some of what he paid after the story broke was from charges from a very long time before the whole mess became public. Having said all that, this is Hawaii, and leniency with lawbreakers seems to be a major cultural value. So Kenoi may well get off with a slap on the wrist. It will be interesting to watch, though. There might be surprises.
"He's either retarded or self-destructive."

Not necessarily. Being retarded AND self-destructive is always an option.

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