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Billy Kenoi indicted today of theft
My son and I already 'fluent' in several international and domestic accents, including,,,, much to her annoyance, her's in all three regional sections of this island nation. Games and cooking at night include these and damm funny to try them ...

ETA hit send too quick. we already get Brogue, jus neva'
... She always shy to try,,, but never pressure from us,,, but yeah, damm funny everytime she tries ...

Originally posted by HiloPuna
I saw photos of the indictment on a news website while traveling. It can't be that hard...

Civil Beat has a copy of the indictment in case anyone hasn't read it.

With a copy of the pCard purchases one could possibly cross-check it for likely items that fit the dates and totals, or HiloPuna could just provide a link to these specific items that "can't be that hard" to find?

Regardless, when Kenoi agrees to this:
"I understand that the use of the pCard to make personal purchases is prohibited, unless specifically authorized. I will not use the pCard under any circumstances for unauthorized personal use."

and then makes nearly $30,000 in purchases that have to be paid back ($10,000 of which is only reimbursed after the Trib finally gets ahold of spending records after years of denied requests) charges are completely justified and not the result of "yellow journalism."

Kenoi is a public servent, paid for and employed by the taxpayers, whose use of our collective monies is a matter of public record and scrutiny. Given the behavior repeatedly demonstrated it's likely not just the goats that have gotten ______.

ETA: Trib has started to connect charges to purchases
Originally posted by HiloPuna


I saw photos of the indictment on a news website while traveling. It can't be that hard....and there's quite a bit more info than just value of transaction. In fact there's everything but the names of those who were there or the actual items purchased ( but just what's in Longs Drugs inventory that could lead to an indictment, or who could be at lunch at the Yacht Club that warrants a warrant?). As far as "knowingly" goes, really? That's the ham sandwich side of Grand Juries. Now prove it.....

just to finish this thought. This is not about Billy as some Slick Willie nebulously defining terms to avoid the truth.
Billy used his credit card for a wide range of purchases, Entertainment (including alcohol) specially allowed
There should have been monthly or quarterly accountability to clarify purpose or intent.
There wasn't.
A reporter gets a copy of a statement, Somehow. Headline news " KOREAN BAR"
All the accounts are settled.
Whole thing stinks, Indictment follows.
Newspapers continues to print inflammatory headlines, titillating front page paragraphs, and actual cold hard facts that undercut the premise of the entire article in the last few paragraphs buried on page 7. Sheep graze the tall grass on page 1, skipping the fodder.

Careers are affected, public trust suffers.

End of the day....never let anyone ever say they saw you **** a goat, no matter what. If you do they'll put it in the paper.

Wow, I hear ya, that dang media. The audacity of exposing our mayor spending our tax dollars on prostitution for himself, other elected officials and their friends. Hey what he does is none of our business right?
Would be interesting to find out who really was at some of these lunches and dinners that the taxpayer paid for. Other question being, did he reimburse for any of those lunches and dinners or just assumed he would never get caught on any of those due to listing them as official business?
What caught my eye was the $890 bill from the Honolulu hostess bar. I have no idea what one gets for that kind of money.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Personal service, very personal.

"What caught my eye was the $890 bill from the Honolulu hostess bar. I have no idea what one gets for that kind of money."

Not much. A few hours of drinks, food, and conversation for 4 guys with hostess's drinking their watered beverage of choice. No prostitution, just 4 guys "living large", local style.

You guys may need to get out more. Dinner, wine, and tip for 4 at any high level restaurant in Seattle, LA, or HNL is going to cost more than $800. Ive spent that much at Huggos in Kona... it's what things cost when your entertainment for the evening consists of a fancy dinner, expensive drinks/ wine, in a nice place.
Korean bars don't serve fine food and wines, instead they offer a hostess to sit and talk with each guest. Don't see what's hard to understand about that, but again, I've traveled throughout Asia on business' and know how commonplace this system is.
Not sure why he would want to go to trial, but it looks like a possibility now that he pleaded "not Guilty".

Although he looked quite confident standing between his two lawyers. One didn't have to look very long or hard, to see or feel some of the pain on his better half's(wife)face, jmo.

P.S. Curious as to if a couple other island mayors who also had p-card discrepancies, like Kauai's Carvaleo would also have to go through these justice procedures?
Originally posted by HiloPuna

"What caught my eye was the $890 bill from the Honolulu hostess bar. I have no idea what one gets for that kind of money."

Not much. A few hours of drinks, food, and conversation for 4 guys with hostess's drinking their watered beverage of choice. No prostitution, just 4 guys "living large", local style.

You guys may need to get out more. Dinner, wine, and tip for 4 at any high level restaurant in Seattle, LA, or HNL is going to cost more than $800. Ive spent that much at Huggos in Kona... it's what things cost when your entertainment for the evening consists of a fancy dinner, expensive drinks/ wine, in a nice place.
Korean bars don't serve fine food and wines, instead they offer a hostess to sit and talk with each guest. Don't see what's hard to understand about that, but again, I've traveled throughout Asia on business' and know how commonplace this system is.

Johns hire prostitutes for all sorts of behaviors from flirting and leg rubbing to all types of wild sex. Once you begin by paying for that behavior via very high priced drinks at a Korean bar you have engaged in prostitution. The $50 drinks are a way of getting around the law and not paying the girl directly.

There are other very serious issues with people who engage in prostitution such as supporting human trafficking(Korean girls are trafficked and lured with false promises of honest work then their passports are held as they are forced to pay off a large debt to the trafficker). Another issue with those who solicit prostitution is the objectification of women, a behavior usually associated with men of very low character and discernment.
" ... just 4 guys 'living large', local style." Yeah, on our dime. I will repeat the question asked by several others, but not answered. If this little visit to the hostess bar was so innocent, why didn't Kenoi immediately declare it as county business and name the persons who were with him and state what county business was involved. It was shady any way you look at it unless some legitimate business was involved. And I can't imagine what legitimate county business would be done in a hostess bar, Asian tradition or not.

And if Billy Kenoi is such a crackerjack financial manager, how is it that he makes over $100,000 per year and can't manage to have his own credit card? IIRC, very early in this scandal it was revealed that he had no card of his own. Now I'm not saying that this fact, if true, has any bearing on the legal case, but it does make me curious about Billy's personal credit habits. One would think he was living beyond his means if he had neither a credit card nor the ability to pay cash for his bar association dues or the surfboard.

Speaking of those dues, how in the world does he plan to pass that off as a county expense? Kenoi is in deep, but the local judiciary is notoriously lenient. They may let him walk.

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