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Attack of handicap homeless man
those tiny homes being proposed for homeless would cost 109,000 each

For 500sf, which is to say "over $200/sf", while hard-working regular people can't afford a $30/sf prefab metal "farm building".
the drunks that hang out in Pahoa do not want a house nor would they be able to maintain one. they have a good thing going getting drunk all day and passing out in the middle of the sidewalk (after they urinate on themselves) trust me I have been observing our crew of alkys for years and these boys are homeless by choice.

poor john already sold his new prothesis for more liquid gold!
getting drunk all day and passing out in the middle of the sidewalk

Might be cheaper/easier to just build them their own sidewalk somewhere away from the main drag...

"W I N O. Look for the bottle shaped like a paper bag."
I'm sure they could build a couple hundred feet of sidewalk somewhere... shouldnt cost more than a million bucks.
just build them their own sidewalk somewhere
they could build a couple hundred feet of sidewalk somewhere...

Yes, like an episode of Twilight Zone. Build an exact replica of downtown Pahoa a block or two in length. Just the sidewalks and storefronts as an old western movie set might be constructed. Then, after everyone is passed out on a Friday night at 3 AM, come through with a van and load up those sleeping it off to the "New Pahoa." Of course, the churches could bring in food three times a day.

The moon kind of surprises me sometimes. I’ll be out at night and I’ll see a nice moon, and say, “Hey, that looks good.” Then I’ll say, “Oh sh-t, I went up there one time!” Kind of surprises me. It’s like there are two Moons, you know—the one that’s usually around, and then that one. - Michael Collins, Apollo 11 astronaut
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Make it a tourist attraction..Punas own version of Westworld.. without the robots.
Concrete rooms with integral furniture, waterproof bedding, and a drain in the floor. Hose them down as needed.

We have the technology to solve this problem affordably, just not the political will.
Very Nice to see our new elected Mayor involved in the Homeless crises here.

A few of Pahoa's homeless were probably displaced by the recent fire at the theater, wonder where they will go now? maybe the New park or Community center building?
Nope. The new park and the community center have security which is what the downtown pahoa merchants association might have invested in pre-fire.

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