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TMT - Contested Case Hearing Status - Hilo
We just got back from BBQing and fishing for Trout only to see So much negativity and hatred from some of my dearest fans. We were born-n-raised in Puna and We enjoyed decades of a Hawaiian paradise that we will always be thankful of. We miss many of our life long friends and some of the unique places and times we experienced with them. Folks over here think it's funny how we still use some terms or words from the Hawaiian language.
An important thing to us is our kids are happy and excelling in their new schools. We look at this new adventure as a chapter in our lives and were blessed to experience this chapter for we don't know how many more chapters we have left. The kids can't wait for the snow to come so they can sled, ski, build a snowman and throw snow balls at my face.

I love my place of work and its an awesome environment that offers plenty of opportunities for the family to have fun.


Doesn't that place bring in millions of tourists to ancient native American lands? Who approved this desecration on ancient people's lands?
gypsy69 ' we sold our home and property several months ago...' You have repeatedly written that you and your family were being poisoned at your home by PGV. Did you disclose this 'poisoning' to the buyers ? The full disclosure laws are in effect even in private sales.

Did you do any research on the large amounts of herbicides and pesticides used by golf courses to maintain their artificial state ? The detrimental health effects of living either downwind or downhill of water run off are well documented.

Be careful about how many trout you feed your young keiki. The recommended limit on the number of wild caught fish due to mercury content is usually available at the local health department.
Don't worry Dude you are still one of my biggest fans and I won't forget you easily. Those wars for native american lands took place a few hundred years ago and many died in battle. The Hawaiians are at war today with their oppressors and blood may be shed before they all go extinct. The white man and TMT will own white mountain one day but probably not without a fight or a war. Kill hoale days were present in schools during my childhood and they may be present for several more decades if the hoale's continue to disrespect the Hawaiians, their beliefs and ways of living. jmo's
I wish you and your family the best of luck in Maryland, you unbelievable hypocrite.
I had the same question - did you warn your buyer about those imaginary poison gases?
Well, unfortunately, Gypsy's recent posting spree has shown us only one thing - Gypsy's true colors.
"PUEO Pushes For Imiloa Uka In Final TMT Case Document"

I'm not against this in principle, it seems a fine idea to me. The only issue I have is:

"The group also wants to see, as a condition, the development a plan “to implement and extend early entry programs for at-risk children of Hawaiian ancestry and other at-risk youth in the community at UH Hilo,” which will provide educational opportunities in STEM-related and other curriculum."

I've no problem with this in general but would like to see details of what they mean by "early entry programs". I'm not sure what they mean by this, and from experience, pushing kids into fields they have no talent for or have no interest in can be counter-productive. Does anyone know more about this plan?
Gypsy spewed:

"Did any of your Children go to these Island public schools or buy a home here on the Big Island?
Actually, scratch that last question TomK because you seem a little selfish to have had or raised any keiki. jmo

You know, I really wanted to ignore this, I tried very hard, but no, this can't go without a response because it is so sick-minded and am concerned for others who may have wanted kids but were not able to who also read insulting comments like those above.

I would have loved to have kids and the same goes for Pam. However, the severest form of lupus, as well as cancer meant we couldn't have kids.

And you think this is because I am selfish.

You couldn't be more wrong, which, for you, really is lowering the bar beyond a place any bar has been.

You are, without doubt, the most stupid and ignorant person I have ever met online. I feel sorry for your new neighbors who will think you are a typical Hawaiian local and give everyone here a terrible name. As an ambassador for Hawaii, you will, without doubt, destroy any thought people in Hawaii are nice while leaving them wondering what on earth the Aloha spirit actually means. A very sick-minded simpleton from Puna is the impression they will get and they will likely think everyone here is the same. Thankfully, they are not, and am so glad you left. It feels like I just took out the trash.
"Kill hoale days were present in schools during my childhood and they may be present for several more decades if the hoale's continue to disrespect the Hawaiians, their beliefs and ways of living."

So much for the spirit of aloha. Remember, the above was written by a local parent who sent his kids to schools here.
I wonder if Rocky Gap Golf and Casino has a policy against hiring people who indulge in terroristic threatening online?
Just wondering.

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