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TMT - Contested Case Hearing Status - Hilo
randomq @ 06:05:04 and 08:07:48-
kalakoa @ 07:48:26-
Yes, thank you, +++.
PaulW @ 09:21:59-
Trollboy's form of private "yellow journalism'
and just plain deplorable and insulting behavior.
A TMT hearing was held in Hilo last year so everyone could voice their concerns, opposition, objections, or support for the planned observatory. Any issue that pertained to Mauna Kea was stated, and restated, and re-restated for months. All of the testimony was recorded, compiled and investigated. A report was issued which addressed every claim, and that report was also published so anyone who wished to, could read the findings.

Here it is:

Should someone wish to find out for instance whether the TMT will interfer with Hawaiian religious practices, it's in there. If anybody would like to check whether the summit of Mauna Kea was a center for ancient Hawaiian religious practices, it's in there.

Now, one thing I learned from the hearings and its subsequent report, is that no matter how many times a misconception was repeated, it didn't make it any more true. If for example ten people alleged a zero emissions observatory would pollute the water table, the claim was looked into by researchers. Investigators studied whether zero emissions could result in the pollution of the Mauna Kea water table, and found it wasn't possible. So now, anyone can read about that in the report and discover what's really true. If they want.

If they don't wish to find out whether old information linked around the internet is incorrect, but would rather keep repeating and rehashing and reposting false claims and other miscellaneous lies, they end up looking a lot like that kid you knew in 4th grade, the one nobody would play with during recess because when you tried to show him how to swing the bat so he might actually hit the ball once in awhile, he just plugged both index fingers deep into his ears, while humming and emitting feral guttural sounds as he stomped his feet.

Yeah, you remember, that kid.
He's middle age now, and still can't hit the ball.

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by HereOnThePrimalEdge
they end up looking a lot like that kid you knew in 4th grade, the one nobody would play with during recess...Yeah, you remember, that kid.
He's middle age now, and still can't hit the ball.

Analogy doesn’t hold up in the sense that most are still playing with “him”...

A TMT hearing was held in Hilo last year...

Haoles and their "legal process" have no jurisdiction over "The Hawaiians", so the hearings don't count.
if the gods did exist, they are apparently cool with Christian missionaries

randomq, one of the Hawaiian royal family set out to prove your observation in 1824:

In 1824, the high chiefess Kapi’olani, despairing of the reverence and fear with which Hawaiians still worshipped Pele, made the arduous journey across the lava fields to climb the southwest slope of the crater to challenge the goddess in her lair. Kapi#699;olani... was followed along the rough path by hundreds of people who pleaded with her to return home, knowing that it was they, not the haoles and the ali’i, who would suffer the revenge of the goddess. At the edge of the crater, Kapi#699;olani defiantly ate a handful of the #699;#333;helo berries sacred to Pele, and threw stones into the volcano... Kapi#699;olani sang numerous hymns, and prayed at length... to give Pele sufficient time to display her fury. When the goddess was silent, Kapi’olani triumphantly turned her back in scorn and walked home, leaving the frightened Hawaiians to follow in astonishment.

Note: do not click link if you are offended by soft nudes painted on velvet which the author uses as an example to show "Pele seems to bring out the worst in artists." Or, if you are offended by paintings on velvet in general:

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Unfortunately, it would be a tad difficult getting an uber or taxi from the hotel bar to my hotel room. I don't think the elevators are big enough.
It seems it's also difficult to remove a telescope from MK let alone build a new one.
"The next steps are an environmental assessment (EA) and a conservation district use application (CDUA).

A “public scoping period,” open until Monday, Jan. 15, 2018, is the first opportunity the community will have to comment on removal and site restoration. There will be additional opportunities, including formal comment periods, once the drafts of the EA and CDUA are released."

I cannot wait for the contested case hearings on this one!
I'm gonna dig up some bones and put them in the building... That decommissioned telescope is sacred.

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