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Raises for UH staff - Many earn more than $100K
Compared to CA and many states, wages at HI colleges are not competitive. You come here and take a financial hit because you love it
I know a bunch of professors at both Hilo and Manoa, and practically every one is looking for a way to leave. The UH system is disintegrating while the administrators bicker. A lot of Manoa professors live in, basically, a dorm because they can't afford to live anywhere else.
" least 91 of 545 UH-Hilo employees earn more than $100,000 per year..."

If they earn it, that's fine by me.
Originally posted by Midnight Rambler

I know a bunch of professors at both Hilo and Manoa, and practically every one is looking for a way to leave. The UH system is disintegrating while the administrators bicker. A lot of Manoa professors live in, basically, a dorm because they can't afford to live anywhere else.

Midnight is dead on here.

The best and brightest I know (mainly younger as well) are looking at other institutions for employment. One of the most prestigious microbiologists at Manoa recently resigned to take over the families Mercedes dealership on the mainland (lol).

The faculty housing (supposed to be temporary providing a transition to new faculty) now houses some residents for 10-20 years!! To be fair more like apartments on the mainland than dorms.

Most of the faculty I know toes the line with any decision and doesn't speak out for any reason to be noticed (I assume in hopes of keeping their position). Most of the [hard] scientific labs are nearly a decade (or more) behind in terms of methods and technology used.

The administration is a bloated disgusting monster. One anecdote: the secretaries and janitors have parking passes in adjacent lots to the buildings they work in while many researchers have to walk over a mile from where they park just to get to the labs they do research in.

There are so many deans and assistant deans that no one is accountable for anything and nothing ever gets done.

I hope I can get a tenured position!


Leilanidude - you started this thread. What was your motivation to do so? Was there a point you were trying to make?

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