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HPP Mailboxes
Originally posted by Old Croc

At the membership meeting she said, "The Mailbox Committee is a BOARD committee!!!"
So does HPP have two Mailbox Committees, one Board-approved and the other independent?

Old Croc, the membership voted in a Mailbox Committee at the last membership meeting so there is a MEMBERS Mailbox Committee and they answer to the membership, not the board.

Article X - Committees Sec 1 "The board, by resolution adopted by a majority of directors, or the membership, by resolution, adopted by a majority of members present at a membership meeting, at which a quorum is present, may designate and appoint one or more committees, which committees shall have such scope and authority as shall be delegated to them by the appointing body. Committee actions and decisions shall be consistent with the resolution and subject to these bylaws and Association policies and procedures. In an event of conflict between the appointing body and its committees, the decision of the appointing body shall prevail. The designation and appointment of any such committees and the delegation thereto of any authority shall not relieve the Association, the board, or any individual thereof, of any responsibility imposed by law."

The Appointing Body is the membership, not the board.

Our Committee policy also states that when a committee is formed, they are to have a meeting as soon as possible. The MEMBERS mailbox committee is already being obstructed, railroaded, and when they requested a copy of the deed for the 20 acre lot at the office, the ofc staff told this person to go to the county and get it. This person got the deed by other means and will start research immediately.

One year ago at the membership meeting, during the board's mailbox committee's blunder, a member tried to form a Member's Mailbox Committee, and Dist5 rep L Crelly, railroaded that effort by enticing the members to join her board mailbox committee. She used her board platform to influence the discussion in forming a member's mailbox committee after the motion had been made. She said "why form another mailbox committee when the board already has a Mailbox Committee? Come join ours." Well it worked and look at where we are today. One year later, the members formed their own Mailbox Committee and are being obstructed by the SAME people.
Mermaid, Mahalo Nui for the effort you’ve put into gaining Bylaw expertise . Your ability to clarify issues we face is astounding to me and much appreciated.
Committees of the membership are
advisory. Actions of these committees are subject to review and approval of the board.
Originally posted by mermaid53

There is talk that Dist2 R Mizuba VP is planning to continue w/her clear 1-2 acres on the deed restricted lot.

So let em do it. When it’s all built and it goes to court that deed restrictions were violated maybe we can hold her personally responsible for all the money wasted?
Could this could be discussed with the insurance company that provides e and o coverage for HPP board members?
No insurance, no board....
Puna: Our roosters crow first
goes to court that deed restrictions were violated maybe we can hold her personally responsible for all the money wasted

Hmm, let's see. Money spent on mailboxes instead of roads. Money spent on court case instead of roads. Sounds like business as usual...
Article IV Objects and Purposes:

(a) To ascertain the needs and desires of low owners of the Hawaiian Paradise Park subdivision and represent those needs an desires as appropriate.

(e) To assist an atmosphere of cooperation and harmony that encourages the participation of lot owners in the management and operation of the Association."

"Articles of Incorporation VII Powers and Obligations: 5. To appoint such subordinate officers and agents as the business of the corporation requires."

The board is supposed to represent the Association and it's needs and desires, NOT THEIR OWN.

HRS 414D states that at any membership meeting where the quorum is met and there is an affirmative majority vote in attendance, "shall be the acts of the membership." Therefore the board is not to disregard what the membership votes for, unless there is a Legal reason or financial reason the request can't be met. The membership voted for a forensic analysis and they voted for it despite whatever inflated price tag an employee and Dist2 rep R Mizuba quoted. The board has NO reason to deny a forensic analysis per the memberships' request. Their denial only raises suspicion. All these maneuvers to obstruct only says one thing....there's something to hide. Otherwise why all these whacko maneuvers, why obstruct?

Not supporting the board in anyway - but the deed restrictions are BS, watamul is the only one that would have standing to defend them and I don’t think their going to want to take it to court because of the whole subdivision approval contrary to the laws at the time thing. They would open them self’s up to a giant can of worms.
All these maneuvers to obstruct only says one thing....there's something to hide.
Looks like the Board is maneuvering again on March 9th. Agenda: Begin, then go into Executive Session to discuss legal matters. Make peanut gallery wait indefinitely, then return after most or all have gone home.
Per the HPP Website calendar, BOARD Mailbox Committee meeting 8 March, this Thur from 1-3. The meeting should be open to members and is being held in the library.

Please keep in mind there's been no vote at a board meeting thus far to proceed w/this plan, or to spend $100,000 of OUR road fee money that should be used for road maintenance.

If you were one of the many who thought Dist2 R Mizuba and Dist6 P Murdoch's mailbox plan was a done deal after what you heard on HPP FB Next Door, i.e. free mailboxes to be installed on deed restricted land, and have questions, attend their meeting this Thur 1-3 Library.
Do you know why you need mailboxes ?

You can't use your drivers license for ID at the airport unless it is delivered to your street address.
Keep obstructing !

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